MicroStation CONNECT Edition Help

Manage Issues Dialog

Used to view and manage issues related to your project. You can select an issue listed in the dialog to open its associated Issue form and manage details.

You can access this dialog from the following:

  • Ribbon: Drawing > Collaborate > Collaboration
  • Ribbon: Modeling > Collaborate > Collaboration
  • Ribbon: General > Collaborate > Collaboration
  • Ribbon: Visualization > Collaborate > Collaboration
Note: When you select the Issue Resolution tools (Create Issues, Manage Issues) for the first time in a session, you will be asked to sign-in using your Bentley IMS credentials. You must sign-in once per session to use this service.

Manage Issues Dialog

Type Allows you to choose a category of issue to create.
Note: Categories are specific to a Project and can be edited on the Project portal.
Issues listbox Displays all the issues created for a project, date created and name of team member it is assigned to. You can click on an issue to open it and view details. Each issue is marked with a colored triangular overlay within a rectangular icon to show the state of the issue:
  • Yellow- Issue Reviewed
  • Red - Issue Open
  • Green- Issue Closed (approved)
  • Grey - Issue Closed (void)
  • Orange - Issue Assigned
  • Maroon - Issue Rejected

You can click on the rectangular icon corresponding to each issue in the list to 'Fit to view'. Date and time mentioned below the issue is the time the issue was created. Date mentioned on the right-hand side represents the due date for the issue.

Search Allows you to search for an issue by name.
Fill Out a Form

Opens the New Issue dialog so you can create a new issue.

Gives you the option to filter issues based on the following:
  • Include Closed Forms
  • Filter Assigned to Me

Allows you to refresh the list of issues to get latest changes from the server.