Creating and Deleting Levels
Levels can be created, deleted, imported and/or exported via the menu system or icons on the Level Manager dialog.
The MS_LEVEL_SEED_LEVEL_NAME configuration variable can be set to the name of a seed level. This can be a level in the master file or a level in a DGNLib file.
The MS_LEVEL_CREATE_FROM_SEED_ATTRIBUTE_LIST configuration variable can be set to control the attributes of the seed level that are copied into a new level.
editions prior to 8.1.2, when a new level was created in a design file, that level was automatically set to ON in all design files that referenced the original design file. In
8.1.2 and later editions, the MS_REF_NEWLEVELDISPLAY configuration variable can be used to control how referenced files display in the master file. If the variable is set to 1, newly created levels appear in all files that reference the master file. If the variable is set to 0 or not set (the default), newly created levels do not appear in any files referenced to the master file.
Setting this variable only affects the behavior of levels of DGN files that are created in MicroStation 8.1.2 and later editions. DWG files and DGN files created in earlier editions do not store the necessary creation time of the level.