MicroStation CONNECT Edition Help

Save As V8 Options Dialog, References Tab

Controls how references are handled when you save a file as a V8 file. This is dependent on the Geometry setting in the Filter tab.

Where Geometry is set to:

  • Everything — you can choose to keep references as attachments, combine a file and its references into a single output file, or omit the reference attachments from the output file.
  • Selection Set, or Fence — only the Allow Optimized Clip For Reference Merge setting is enabled. All other settings are disabled with the result that all selected geometry, or fence contents, will be merged and references discarded in the saved file.

For information on references, see Using References.

Levels From View (Merge Displayed Levels Only setting on only) Identifies which levels from the reference attachments are merged (if a merge option is selected for the attachments).
  • View 1 — View 8 — Elements will be merged only if they are from levels that are displayed in the selected view.
Self Attachments Controls how self-attachments are handled when you save to a V8 file.

A self-attachment is a reference attached to itself. Self-attachments are often used to create detailed sections of a drawing.

  • Retain — Keeps the attachments to the output file.
  • Merge — Merges the attachment geometry into the output file as individual elements.
  • Merge to Cell — Merges the attachment geometry into the output file as a single cell.
  • Omit — Omits the attachment from the output file.
External Attachments Controls how standard attachments to the default model are handled when you save to a V8 file.
  • Retain — Keeps the attachments to the output file.
  • Merge — Merges the attachment geometry into the output file as individual elements.
  • Merge to Cell — Merges the attachment geometry into the output file as a single cell.
  • Omit — Omits the attachment from the output file.
Merge Visible Edges of 3D Attachments If on, a 3D reference file attachment will have its visible edge representation merged into the master file. This setting affects all references except the ones that display wireframe geometry. This option is useful when using Dynamic Views because target formats such as DWG and V7 DGN do not support the dynamic view display options. To check the effect of this setting refer to the example in Merging References into the Active Model.

If on, this setting overrides all attachment settings above it.

When you turn on this check box, a Visible Edges Settings icon appears next to it. Clicking this icon opens the Visible Edges Settings dialog.

Copy Levels During Merge Describes how levels are handled when you merge references from the DGN file into a DWG/DXF file.
  • If Not Found — Levels from the reference are merged into the output file only if they (or a level with the same name) do not exist in the active model.
  • If Overrides Exist — Levels from the reference are merged into the output file if the level does not exist in the active model, or if the settings for the active model level are different than those of the attachment. Differences include overrides that have been applied to the attachment levels, or differences between the levels as defined in the active model and reference.
  • Always — Levels from the reference are merged into the output file even if an identical level exists within the active model.
Convert Reference Files If on, when saving from a DWG or V7 DGN file to a V8 DGN file, all references are converted to V8 DGN files.
  • When saving a V8 DGN file to another V8 DGN file, because the file format for the master file is not converted, the file formats for references are not converted. However, if you changed any other settings they are saved and the references are re-saved.
  • If the master file is saved to a different directory, all references are also saved to that directory. If the master file is saved to the same directory, then each reference is saved to its original directory.
Allow Optimized Clip For Reference Merge If on, maintains the surfaces and solids and shapes when they are clipped during the merge process. If off, the surfaces and solids are dropped to their boundary/wireframe elements.
Unnest (Copy) Live Nested Attachments If on, nested references are copied as direct attachments to the saved DGN file.
Merge Displayed Levels Only If on, levels displayed in the selected view are merged into the output file.

If off, all levels are merged into the output file.

Note: This setting is turned on and disabled if the configuration variable MS_MERGE_DISPLAYEDLEVELSONLY is set.
Merge Internal References If on, internal references are merged with the master model in the saved DGN.