MicroStation CONNECT Edition Help

Point Clouds Dialog

Used to manage the display of one or more point clouds in a DGN file view. The list box shows all the point cloud files attached to the DGN file. Selecting a point cloud file from the list adds it to the element set.

You can access this dialog from the following:
  • Ribbon: Drawing > Attach > Point Cloud > Point Clouds dialog launcher
  • Ribbon: Drawing > Home > Primary > Attach Tools split button
  • Ribbon: Modeling > Home > Primary > Attach Tools split button
  • Ribbon: Visualization > Home > Primary > Attach Tools split button
  • Ribbon: Admin > Home > Primary > Attach Tools split button
  • Toolbox: Primary Tools
  • Toolbox: Point Cloud
  • Default Function key menu: <Ctrl+F4>
Show Hierarchy

When on, displays a tree that shows the active file and references that are directly attached to it. When the tree is turned off, you can use the arrow button next to the Show Hierarchy icon to list the active file and any references that are directly attached to it.
Flat Mode

When Flat Mode is on and an active design is selected in the Hierarchy pane, all references attached to the active design and its nested references are listed in the right pane. When Flat Mode is on and a referenced DGN is selected in the Hierarchy pane, all references attached to that DGN and its nested references are listed in the right pane.

Opens the Open dialog, which allows you to attach a point cloud. <Ctrl+click> to attach multiple point clouds simultaneously.

Only POD files can be attached to a design file. For all other supported file formats, such as LAS, the Convert dialog opens. This dialog allows you to choose the desired conversion options and to save the selected point cloud file as a POD file.

(Technology Preview) Attach Point Cloud From ContextShare

Opens the ProjectWise ContextShare dialog, which allows you to attach a point cloud from the ContextShare platform.
Note: To enable this setting, you must associate a Project to the active WorkSet.

Detaches the point cloud.

Opens the Clip Point Cloud tool, which allows you to hide points of the cloud.
Delete Clip

Deletes a clip from a point cloud.
Fit Point Cloud to View

Fits one or more point cloud images to a view(s).
  • Expand Clipping Planes — If on, the view's Display Depth is adjusted, along with the view origin and magnification, so that all elements on levels that are on for the view are displayed.
  • Center Active Depth — If on, centers the Active Depth in the fitted view. (It is recommended that you turn on Center Active Depth when fitting a view you intend to dynamically rotate, or a view whose perspective you intend to change.)
  • Center Camera — If on, centers the Camera in the fitted view.
Status Displays the status of the point cloud. Options are Loaded, Referenced, Self-Referenced or Point Cloud Not Found. When a file is not found, a warning icon displays. Pause the pointer over the warning icon to display a tooltip with an explanation of the problem.
File Name Displays the file name. Double-clicking the file name opens the Properties dialog.
Description Displays a description of the point cloud.
Density This editable field indicates the density of points used to display the selected point cloud.

  • For low density, set at 10.
  • For medium density, set at 60.
  • For high density, set at 100.

You can use the POINTCLOUD DENSITY <density value> key-in to change the density of all the point clouds in the active model. The density value is a number between 1 and 100. For any point clouds that have a density less than 1, then 1 is used; for any over 100, then 100 is used.


If on, you can snap to elements in the point cloud. A check mark in the column indicates that Snap is on.

If on, you can select elements in a point cloud for construction purposes. A check mark in the column indicates that Locate is on.

When on (the default), the point cloud cannot be moved, scaled or rotated. Anchored is on or off depending on the point cloud status in the original file.
Level Shows on which level the point cloud is located. Double-clicking on this column displays a drop-down list box that lets you change the level for the selected raster.

Model The Model field is used to display the origin (design name and model name) of the point cloud reference.
Right-Click Menu (list box) Right-click the title bar of the list box to get all the options for the list box as well as the option to Save Layout. By default, Status, Level and Model are hidden.
View buttons Numbered push buttons let you define in which view(s) to display the point cloud(s).

Allows you to turn on or off the Snap functionality. If the icon is pressed, the setting is on.

Allows you to turn on or off the Locate functionality. If the icon is pressed, the setting is on.

Allows you to turn on or off the Anchored functionality.
File > Attach Same as clicking the Attach icon.
File > Detach Same as clicking the Detach icon.
File > Convert

Opens the Select Files to Convert dialog, which allows you to select a file (other than a POD file) to convert. Once you select a file, the Convert dialog opens. The Convert dialog varies according to the type of file selected.
File > Export

Opens the Export Point Cloud dialog, which allows you to export and save to the XYZ, LAS, OPC or POD format.
  • Format - ASCII, LAS, OPC or POD.
  • Region Filter - If a clip is applied, choose to export All or only the Clip.
  • Classification Filter - The classifications to be exported.
  • Density - A percentage value indicating the density of the export.
  • Channels - Selects the channels to include in the export (color, intensity and classification).
  • Geometry Unit - The value for the geometry unit.
  • Decimal Accuracy - The decimal precision of the exported values. Higher precision increases the size of the output file.
  • Geocoding - Reproject the points according to the selected geographic coordinate system.
Note: The precision of XYZ export is governed by the variable POINTCLOUD_XYZEXPORT_NBDECIMALS = integer. The value can be 1 through 8 and represents the number of decimal places exported when selecting XYZ format. The default value is 4.
Edit > Clip Same as clicking the Clip icon.
Edit > Delete Clip Same as clicking the Delete Clip icon.
View > Show Hierarchy Same as clicking the Show Hierarchy icon.
View > Flat Mode Same as clicking the Flat Mode icon.
Utilities > GeoCS > Select From Library Opens the Select Geographic Coordinate System dialog, allowing you to browse the GCS Library and select the desired option.
Utilities > GeoCS > Delete Deletes the currently assigned Geographic Coordinate System.
Right-Click Menu A right-click menu offers options for the following operations related to the point cloud.
  • GeoCS > Select From Library - Opens the Select Geographic Coordinate System dialog, allowing you to browse the GCS Library and select the desired option.
  • GeoCS > Delete - Deletes the currently assigned Geographic Coordinate System.
  • Attach — Opens the Open dialog used to attach a point cloud.
  • Copy — Copies the point cloud.
  • Move — Moves the point cloud.
  • Scale — Scales the point cloud.
  • Rotate — Rotates the point cloud.
  • Mirror — Mirrors the point cloud.
  • Clip — Allows you to clip the point cloud.
  • Delete Clip — Deletes the clip from the point cloud.
  • Detach — Detaches the point cloud.
  • File Name — Reloads a point cloud file.
  • Fit to View - Fits one or more point cloud images to a view(s).
  • Properties — Opens the Properties dialog.