Defects Resolved in MicroStation CONNECT Edition Update 14
Below is the list of issues resolved in MicroStation CONNECT Edition Update 14.
Issue Number | Description |
137969 | Resolved issue with replace mirrored cell containing text. |
448928 | Fixed issue with Notes Text Justification shifting when Annotation Scale is changed. |
560829 | Resolved issue with specific file taking long time to open. |
640876 | Fixed issue with Place Label> Horizontal Attachment> 'Auto' not working on all cells. |
694124 | Fixed issue with place 'Date Plotted' File Property field. |
694420 | Resolved issue with "Ignore locate interiors" setting under Preferences-Raster not correctly working if Preferences-Input-Locate interiors are enabled. |
724866 | Fixed specific issue when changing element level in MicroStation Connect taking lot of time. |
726432 | Fixed issue with Nested reference's Display switch is turned ON by Reference Copy. |
727440 | 'Geometric Tolerance' tool is available in Dimensions toolbox. |
728163 | Fixed issue with changing references to Cached visible edges causes elements to change color. |
733299 | Resolved issue with Arcs added to imprints with an inner loop. |
737541 | Fixed specific issue with Text orientation lost when Merged into Master. |
756973 | Resolved issue with exporting Coordinates accuracy option. |
778939 | Resolved specific issue with certain file hangs while exporting to STEP. |
798901 | Resolved issue with Chamfer distance/angle incorrect. |
800638 | Fixed issue with Measure Distance Perpendicular with Flatten Direction View Z showing incorrect result. |
853265 | Animation producer keyframe graph window shrink on every time we edit Animation Producer Window size. |
854770 | Fixed issue with pattern map is scaled on element in FBX file when file is exported to FBX. |
861153 | Resolved issue where Upgrade Tag only shows 7 Tags at a time for Upgrading. |
863125 | Fixed issue with Define Sheet Border tool incorrectly rescaling the Sheet Boundary. |
865313 | Fixed issue with specific file that was Unable to Cut Solid with Curve. |
865905 | Improved performance with Modify Solid with Modify Face. |
885315 | Resolved issue where Select by Text Styles was not correctly working. |
888321 | Fixed issue with Luxology dialog not updating to show light setups present in active model when we shift from one model to another in same file. |
891704 | Resolved issue with Measure Area > Method: Union. |
892964 | Fixed issue with Display Rule using default value of the 'Property Type' created, instead of the one that is used. |
892975 | Fixed issue with Display Rule does not shows new 'Property Type' in the Generate Dialog. |
895361 | Resolved issue when changing GCS the position of reprojected references is not automatically updated. |
901303 | Fixed issue with Line segment details table missing. |
901422 | Fixed specific issue where Level Descriptions are being changed when modifying Level Override symbology. |
903807 | Fixed issue with Georeferenced JPG file not fully loading. |
910939 | Fixed issue with not able to save specific DGN file to DWG. |
913265 | Resolved issue with Text Favorite not copying associated text styles from dgnlib to local DGN. |
916676 | Fixed issue with Dimension Angular> Angle Between Lines> turn ON 'Start Extension' causes 'End Extension' to activate. |
916698 | Fixed issue with Dimension Angular> Angle Between Lines> 'End Extension' option. |
919546 | Resolved issue with specific file where Create Region Flood fill not correctly filling. |
926644 | Resolved issue with Default Model View Group from 2D seed named incorrectly. |
927927 | Fixed issue with Visible edges incomplete when rendering with high resolution. |
928392 | Fixed issue with Orientation of Material attachments is incorrect when we export given file to SketchUP. |
932306 | Resolved issue with importing specific STEP file taking a long time. |
938911 | Resolved issue with Pattern of material scaled down after exporting to FBX. |
939068 | Fixed issue with imprinted Geometry does not stay on respective face if geometry of a solid changes. |
940664 | Resolved issue with Enter Data Field changes color to 0 when edited. |
941513 | Fixed issue with using Levels from a DGNLIB in Multi-line definition. |
941556 | Fixed issue with Quick Properties that was removed (Alt + Right click). |
942787 | Resolved issue when creating a WorkSet using an existing WorkSet as a template, the existing files & folders used are not determined by the existing WorkSet.cfg file. |
944399 | Improved the time taken to switch from MicroStation to Backstage. |
947755 | Resolved issue with Text in mirrored cell display. |
949983 | Improved the time to show properties of element on Properties dialog. |
954357 | Improved performance when First File Open time, when there are no large list of Pinned WorkSets. |
963019 | Resolved issue with Hatch pattern are not getting displayed in section cut graphics. |
963565 | Fixed issue with Measure Distance Along tool not allowing to switch between elements by doing right click if elements are overlapped. |
964523 | Resolved issue with specific file where the reference containing pattern was unable to be moved. |
967610 | Resolved issue where Browse button in Import-Export Coordinates tool opens to "C:\Windows\System32" directory always. Instead should open to last used directory. |
968870 | Fixed issue with specific file with Points placed on element are not snappable. |
988808 | Resolved issue where Tool Settings box moves on Update View. |
999646 | Resolved issue where Editing mesh causes material information lost. |
1005783 | Resolved issue where Blocks/Attributes from Xref file is rotated in specific file. |
1006923 | Fixed issue with Element Selection Inside or Overlapping Area not selecting elements in specific file. |
1009619 | Message center shows follow link failed while opening the PDF file name which is in other language except English. |
1009630 | Fixed issue with specific DGN file not saving correctly as DWG. |
1009781 | Resolved issue with specific file that has attached files to print to PDF. |
1011531 | Resolved issue where specific 3D PDF files are missing elements. |
1012525 | Resolved issue with Background color is not applied by Display Rules in Wireframe views. |
1012762 | Resolved a crash where placing field for item type property which contains special characters. |
1012904 | Resolved issue with a crash when dragging a fence in a specific file. |
1014396 | Resolved issue with texture mapping not correctly converted in to FBX. |
1014889 | Resolved issue with _USTN_CAPABILITY < -CAPABILITY_BYLEVEL not correctly working in specific situation. |
1018662 | Fixed issue with large dimension arrow heads in specific DWG file. |
1018998 | Resolved issue with Levelaudit crashing when entering report nullnames. |
1021015 | Fixed issue with crash while opening specific IFC file. |
1021257 | Fixed issue with opening specific file crashes. |
1021968 | Resolved issue where incorrect area calculation for identically same shapes in specific file. |
1022120 | Fixed issue where file is unable to import this IGES file. |
1023412 | Resolved issue with Text placed along curved element changes position when edited or modified in specific file. |
1024680 | Fixed issue with Design File Cleanup fails / takes longer time to find duplicates in specific file. |
1026618 | Resolved issue with WMS map attachment fails. |
1027112 | Resolved issue unable to edit the feature of a Solid by Extrusion Along Path with inter diameter as 0 in specific file. |
1027356 | Fixed issue with Images created using HTML Cell Library are distorted. |
1028022 | Fixed issue with Bing Map feature does not work because of reprojection errors for British Nat Grid. |
1028374 | Resolved issue with Cells Placed on wrong level in specific file. |
1028559 | Fixed issue with New Customized Tabs not visible. |
1028621 | Fixed issue with commands applied to customized ribbon disappears if they come from Choose components from TAB. |
1028708 | Resolved issue with empty curve was resulted in a crash. |
1029219 | Resolved issue with Vissim data and Geometry does not match on export as vissim data placed far away from Geometry. |
1029417 | Resolved issue with Level display not working properly - turn off but still visible. |
1029428 | Fixed issue to create new level, activate it & then creating elements on it does not display those elements. |
1029684 | Resolved issue to interpret the GCS in specific ContextCapture generated 3MX. |
1030159 | Resolved issue with specific file when MicroStation crash on Exporting File to LumenRT. |
1031587 | C# SDK Interface Problem of Bentley.DgnPlatformNET.Modify |
1031881 | Fixed Crash Converting Meshes to Solid in specific file. |
1032160 | Resolved issue where 'Revert customizations for selected Ribbon item' is constantly greyed out. |
1032549 | Fixed issue with Data File Clean Up remove arcs even though they are not duplicates. |
1032855 | Fixed issue with Level display not working properly with level names containing umlaut. |
1033555 | Resolved issue with Sheet Index does not number the sheets correctly for sub-folders (child folders). |
1034205 | Fixed File-specific file crash. |
1034698 | Fixed the issue with the normal are reversed for Extract Points from a Surface/Face tool compared to V8i. |
1034709 | Resolved issue with the normal of created surface are reversed to Surface tool compared to V8i. |
1034818 | Fixed issue with DWG tables resized when modified. |
1035819 | Fixed issue with Stencil creating separate line segment for each mesh surface instead of creating continues line. |
1036131 | Fixed Cut Solid with Curve: while using Line as a cutting profile, Tool shows incorrect Cut Direction (portion to be removed). |
1036178 | Fixed Cut Solid with Curve: while using Line as a cutting profile, Cut Direction Arrow (indicating portion to be removed) is not visible instantaneously. |
1036195 | Fixed Cut Solid with Curve: Not able to control the cutting profile curve projection. |
1036618 | LOB placed under Custom path wont found for Proxy replace when we export file from MicroStation to LumenRT. |
1036901 | Fixed issue with MicroStation closing when trying to open a certain file. |
1037645 | Resolved issue with Array Along Path Tool generates incorrect Preview on copied and New Parametric Solids. |
1037870 | Fixed issue with Mirror Copy (2D Manipulation) of Profile based Solids (having 2D Parametric cell as Profile) shows Profile as Extended element instead Parametric Cell. |
1037986 | Resolved issue with using Stretch/Fence Stretch on cell which having Parametric solid that could cause crash. |
1038433 | Fixed issue to attach specific POD file. |
1038453 | Fixed issue with displaying AutoCAD rotated mtext (callouts) correctly. |
1039083 | Resolved issue to Manipulate (Move/Copy/Rotate) multiple parametric cell instances after updating variables value for some instances. |
1040301 | Fixed issue with Cell Selector dialog is not following aspect ratio in which CSF file has been saved. |
1041096 | Resolved issue with Active Angle key-in "AA" does not work for Parametric cells. |
1041995 | Fixed issue with Shared cell located in undisplayed level becomes diplayed by Zoom Out. |
1042280 | Fixed issue with Extract Iso-Curves tool not responding on Bspline Surface. |
1042369 | Fixed issue with DWG Multi-leaders having own annotation scale not matching models annotation scale. |
1042772 | Resolved issue with specific File crash when opened. |
1045257 | Fixed issue with imported STEP file with missing elements. |
1045368 | Fixed issue with Level Display is changing when opening specific file created in V8i. |
1046697 | Resolved issue with Numeric input for position mapping not working. |
1047433 | Resolved issue with specific crash when opening View 3 in Default View Group. |
1048002 | Fixed issue with specific file that crashes upon open. |
1049248 | Fixed issue with Texture map path not being found if texture maps defined are in sub folder on same root of DGN folder when the material map path contains a partial directory. |
1049681 | Resolved issue with unable to see elements from specific V7 file. |
1049996 | Fixed issue with Selecting and deleting a long list of materials from palette leads to a crash. |
1050060 | Fixed issue using Fence File (FF=) with a reference file containing Smart Solids. |
1050801 | Fixed issue with Rtext not displaying. |
1050885 | Resolved Visible Edge setting set through variable is does not get applied when attaching reference through drag and drop method only. |
1051124 | Fixed issue with Label coordinates (xyz text) tool in DWG workmode not working correctly. |
1051565 | Resolved issue with exporting to ACIS SAT version 6.0 is fails for units mm. |
1052409 | Fixed issue where MS_REF_MAXNESTDEPTH does not get applied when attaching reference through drag and drop method only. |
1052601 | Scaling (2D Manipulation) of Profile based Solids (having 2D Parametric cell as Profile) shows Profile as Extended element instead Parametric Cell |
1052735 | Fixed issue Mleaderline and MText color changed on Copy and Save. |
1053525 | The extracted Edge by Extract Faces/Edges tool moved from original location. |
1054571 | Fixed issue converting mesh to SmartSolid causing a crash. |
1054743 | Resolved issue with Boolean Operation 'Unite Solids' creates incorrect results with Mirrored Solids (Merge Parametric Solids: ON). |
1054959 | Fixed issue with Feature Array Along Path Tool generates incorrect Result if Base Solid (Slab) is generated in a specific way. |
1056131 | Fixed issue with Copied Annotation with a Text frame Box, rotates the box. |
1056358 | Fixed issue with Texture map not seen on element if make a same material copy and attached to another elements. |
1056526 | Fixed issue with Quick Properties dialog shows cut off at the bottom of the dialog depending on which elements selected for quick review. |
1058003 | Resolved issue with disabling Autosave preference locks files. |
1058501 | Resolved issue with specific File created by Save as DXF can only be opened by MicroStation CONNECT not V8i. |
1059060 | Fixed issue with specific file converted from DWG to DGN in MicroStation CONNECT fail to convert back to DWG. |
1059235 | Fixed issue with Fit View on raster clip not working correctly. |
1059668 | Resolved specific issue with Trims Solids not working in specific file. |
1060497 | Resolved issue with Background color from Element fill color override is not applied by Display Rules. |
1061144 | Fixed issue with Ribbon status not staying minimized. |
1061545 | Resolved issue with Polygon Collection disappear. |
1061575 | Resolved issue with Save As V7 and specific file crash when working in V7 workmode. |
1061606 | Improved opening time with specific DWG file with Text takes 25 % more time to open than V8i |
1061607 | Resolved issue with specific DWG file with lines takes that take an extended period to open compared to V8i. |
1061608 | Resolved issue with specific DWG file with shared cells takes extended time to open. |
1062662 | Fixed issue with Feature Array Along Path Tool generates incorrect Result if Base Solid (Slab) is generated in a specific way. |
1062843 | Fixed issue with ECW file incorrect space. |
1063036 | Resolved issue with Fill not displaying in specific file. |
1063051 | Fixed issue with crash when importing IFC. |
1064075 | Fixed issue with Exterior Render Setups: Any change disables Antialiasing. |
1064168 | Resolved issue with description of datum NAD83/2011. |
1064264 | Resolved issue when exporting Item Types instance data results in a crash. |
1064532 | Resolved a crash in specific file while opening file. |
1064700 | Resolved issue with Compress a file results in a crash. |
1065238 | Resolved issue with ESPG:4019 Coordinate System is in incorrect units |
1066205 | Resolved issue with crash on opening files with Design History with specific file. |
1066513 | Fixed issue with B-spline by Tangent does not work with Arcs. |
1066532 | Fixed issue in a reference file that has locate column turned off. If locate is turned off the geometry in the reference file should not be located |
1069658 | Fixed issue with 2D file, where some backward elements coming in front when creating a Group of selected elements. |
1070282 | Resolved issue with specific file where Measure Area result is incorrect. |
1070527 | Resolved issue with missing Belgium GCS: EPSG:31370B - New Belge Lambert 72. |
1074732 | Resolved issue with crash on opening specific file with certain display style |
1075684 | Resolved issue with WorkSet Template Custom Properties not copied to new WorkSet. |
1075695 | Fixed issue with Link containing multiple keyins does not parse keyin arguments correctly. |
1075765 | Resolved issue with Display problem with revolved surface. |
1076143 | Resolved issue with implementation of OSTN15 transformations. |
1078291 | Resolved issue with GCS shift error for Custom Coordinates. |