MicroStation CONNECT Edition Help

Connecting to BUDBC

MicroStation can interface with an external database through a Bentley Universal Database Connection (BUDBC) connection as an alternative to Oracle, OLE DB, and ODBC connections. BUDBC support opens the MicroStation database interface to Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) applications. BUDBC is part of the foundation for possible future support for multiple simultaneous database connections. The MS_LINKTYPE value for BUDBC linkages is BUDBC.

There are three types of BUDBC connections:

  • OLE DB — This type of connection will take a connection string from a .UDL file.
  • SQL Server — The connection string for this type of connection is as follows:
    Data Source=[SQL SERVER name OR IP address];
    User Id=[your username];
    Password=[your password]
    Database=[database name]
  • Oracle — The connection string for this type of connection is as follows:
    Password=[your password];
    User ID=[your username];Data Source=[your datasource]
Note: You can add the parameters in any order. Also, the parameter names are not case-sensitive.
Note: A .udl file must be created before connecting to BUDBC.
Note: When selecting Oracle or SQL as the BUDBC Provider, you must enter the connection string parameters.