MicroStation CONNECT Edition Help

Seed Files Configuration Variables

The following table lists the configuration variables that affect Seed Files. Each configuration variable expects a valid value. An invalid value will not override a setting. You do not need to close and restart in order for the configuration variable change to take effect.

Variable Short name Description
MS_BUTTONMENUSEED Button Assignment Seed File Seed file containing default button assignments. This file is used to define button assignments if the file defined by MS_BUTTONMENU is not found.
MS_CELL_SEEDFILE Cell Library Seed File Seed file used when creating or upgrading cell libraries.
MS_DESIGNMODELSEED Design Model Seed File Name of file containing the seed model for the new design models.
MS_DESIGNMODELSEEDNAME Design Model Seed Name of seed model for new design models.
MS_DESIGNSEED Default Design File Seed Default seed file.
MS_DOCKINGPREFSEED Dialog Docking Preference Seed Name of seed file used to create user docking preference file.
MS_DRAWINGMODELSEED Drawing Model Seed File Name of file containing the seed model for the new drawing models.
MS_DRAWINGMODELSEEDNAME Drawing Model Seed Name of seed model for new drawing models.
MS_DWGSEED DWG Seed File See DWG- and DXF-related configuration variables.
MS_DWGSEED_OVERRIDE DWG Seed File Override See DWG- and DXF-related configuration variables.
MS_DWGSHEETMODELSEED DWG Sheet Model Seed File See DWG- and DXF-related configuration variables.
MS_DWGSHEETMODELSEEDNAME DWG Sheet Model Seed See DWG- and DXF-related configuration variables.
MS_FKEYMNUSEED Function Key Assignments Seed File Seed file containing default function key assignments. This file is used to define function key assignments if the file defined by MS_FKEYMNU is not found.
MS_GROUPPANELPREFSEED Group Panel Preference Seed Name of seed file used to create group panel preference file.
MS_INPUT_CONFIGXMLSEED Touch Gesture Assignments Seed File Seed file containing default touch gesture assignments. This file is used to define touch gesture assignments if the file defined by MS_INPUT_CONFIGXML is not found.
MS_PERSONALDGNLIBSEED Personal DGNLib Seed Search path for the default seed file used for creating personal.dgnlib file.
MS_SEED_LINKSET_FILE_NAME Link Set Seed File Name of the file containing the seed link set.
MS_SEED_LINKSET_NAME Link Set Name Name of the seed link set.
MS_SEEDFILES Seed File Location Search path(s) for all seed files.
MS_SHEETMODELSEED Sheet Model Seed File Name of file containing seed model for new sheet models.
MS_SHEETMODELSEEDNAME Sheet Model Seed Name of seed model for new sheet
MS_SHEETSEED Drawing Sheet Seed File Seed file used when creating drawing sheets.
MS_TASKDIALOGPREFSEED Task Navigation Dialog Preference Seed Path of an XML file for default task navigation dialog preferences.
MS_TRANSEED Default Translation Seed Default seed file for DWG, CGM, IGES, OBJ, and 3DS translations.
MS_TRANSEED_OVERRIDE Translation Seed Override Determines whether a user can modify the DGN Seed File setting on the DWG Open Options dialog.

When the variable is not set or set to 0, the first time that the dialog opens, the default DGN Seed File is set by the MS_TRANSEED configuration variable. The user can choose a different seed file.

When the variable is set to 1, the user can only use the DGN seed file identified by MS_TRANSEED. The user cannot choose a different seed file.

When the variable is set to 2, the default DGN seed fie is set by MS_TRANSEED at the beginning of each session. The user can choose a different seed file during the session.

MS_USERPREFSEED User Preference Seed Name of seed file used to create user preference resource file.
MS_VIEWGROUPSEED View Group Seed File Name of file containing seed view group for models without a view group.
MS_VIEWGROUPSEEDNAME View Group Seed Name of seed view group for models without a view group.