MicroStation CONNECT Edition Help

Customizing the Ribbon Group Pop-ups

You can customize a delivered ribbon group pop-up for <space> or even create a new ribbon group pop-up and assign a keyboard shortcut to it.

Workflow to Customize the Ribbon Group Pop-up

Following is the recommended workflow to customize the ribbon group pop-up for the <space> keyboard shortcut.

  1. Do one of the following:
    1. Select File > Settings > User > Customize Ribbon .


    2. Right-click in the blank space in the ribbon and select Customize Ribbon from the pop-up menu.

    The Customize Ribbon dialog opens.

  2. In the list below Customize the Ribbon, navigate to Admin > Interface.
  3. Select the Popups ribbon group.
  4. Right-click and select Import Local Copy.
  5. Save this change by clicking Apply.

    A copy of the Popups group is created that you can edit. The original Popup group will appear with a strike-through on the group label indicating it is not being used.

    The imported group will contain a single vertical panel with the label Popup Main. This Panel will contain three horizontal panels that correspond to the three rows of buttons displayed in the pop-up.

  6. You can add additional rows to the ribbon group pop-up. Select the Popup Main panel and click the New Panel icon to add a horizontal row to the ribbon group-pop-up.

  7. Add or remove tools from any of the horizontal panels.
  8. (Optional) You can also add custom tools by importing components under the Items to Import heading in the Choose components from drop-down list.
  9. Click Apply.

Alternate Workflow to Customize Ribbon Group Pop-ups

In this workflow, you will not import existing group pop-up, but create a new group, add panels and tools to it, and then assign a keyboard shortcut.

  1. Do one of the following:
    1. Select File > Settings > User > Customize Ribbon .


    2. Right-click in the blank space in the ribbon and select Customize Ribbon from the pop-up menu.

    The Customize Ribbon dialog opens.

  2. In the list below Customize the Ribbon, navigate to Admin > Interface.
  3. Click New Group.

  4. Enter a name for the new group.

    If you want to update the existing ribbon group pop-up for <space>, that is Popups, then you will have to remove the existing Popups ribbon group and rename the new group as Popups so that it matches the existing label.

  5. Click New Panel.

    This panel will serve as the parent container for child panels, which will define the rows of buttons.

  6. Make sure the Panel Type property is set to Vertical.
  7. Select the parent panel and create horizontal panels under the parent panel.
    Note: Each time, before clicking New Panel, make sure the parent vertical panel is selected.
  8. Add tools to the horizontal panels.
  9. (Optional) You can also add custom tools by importing components under the Items to Import heading in the Choose components from drop-down list.
  10. Click Apply.
  11. If the parent panel is not called Popups, then assign a keyboard shortcut to the ribbon group pop-up in the Keyboard Shortcuts dialog.