Levels Configuration Variables
MicroStation includes configuration variables to help set up all aspects of the level system.
The following table lists the configuration variables that affect Levels. Each configuration variable expects a valid value. An invalid value will not override a setting. You do not need to close and restart in order for the configuration variable change to take effect.
Variable | Short name | Description |
MS_LEVEL_DISPLAY_FORMAT | Level Display Format | Specifies the formatting that the level name uses when the level lists display, including in PDF plots. If N, the default, the level name is used. If D, the level description is used; if C, the level code is used. More than one value can be specified. |
MS_LEVEL_EDIT_NESTED_ATTACHMENT_LEVELS | Edit Nested Attachment Levels | If set, lets you edit the attributes of levels in nested reference attachments. |
MS_LEVEL_ALLOW_LIBRARY_LEVEL_EDIT | Edit Unused Library Levels | Allows you to edit library levels when it is not yet used in master-file. If not set, then a library level can be edited only when if it is used. If set then a library level that is not yet copied into the master-file can be edited. On editing, the library level will be copied into the master-file. |
MS_LEVEL_LOAD_ATTACHMENT_FILTERS | Load Attachment Level Filters | If defined, then level-filters of reference attachments are loaded. |
MS_LEVEL_EDIT_ATTRIBUTE_LIST | Control Level Attributes Edit | Controls which level attributes can be edited or overridden (instead of using operating system privileges for the entire level library). The attributes to be edited can be one or more of the following as a comma separated list: Override Symbology (OverrideColor, OverrideStyle, OverrideWeight, OverrideMaterial), ByLevel Symbology (ByLevelColor, ByLevelStyle, ByLevelWeight, ByLevelMaterial), GlobalDisplay, GlobalFreeze, DisplayPriority, Transparency, Lock, and Plot. Each attribute accepts a "Library" or "Reference" prefix. Without the prefix, the attribute will be editable for both references and library levels. |
MS_LEVEL_SYNC_ATTRIBUTE_LIST | Control Level Attributes Synch | Affects the DGNLIB UPDATE LEVELS CUSTOM and REFERENCE SYNCHRONIZE LEVELS CUSTOM key-ins. This variable controls the list of level attributes that will sync when any of the above key-ins is executed. The attributes can be one or more of the following as a comma separated list: OverrideSymbology, OverrideColor, OverrideStyle, OverrideWeight, OverrideMaterial, ByLevelSymbology, ByLevelColor, ByLevelStyle, ByLevelWeight, ByLevelMaterial, GlobalDisplay, GlobalFreeze, DisplayPriority, Transparency, Lock, and Plot. Each attribute accepts a "Library" or "Reference" prefix. Without the prefix, the attribute will be editable for both references and library levels. |
MS_LEVEL_SYNCH_BYLEVEL | Synch Symbology to ByLevel on Level Change | If set, when you open a different model or view group, the active color, line style, and line weight are set to ByLevel. |
MS_LEVEL_AUTO_SYNC_ATTRIBUTE_LIST | Level Attribute Auto Synch. | This variable controls the list of level attributes that will automatically synchronize when a file is opened. The attributes can be one or more of the following as a comma separated list: OverrideSymbology, OverrideColor, OverrideStyle, OverrideWeight, OverrideMaterial, ByLevelSymbology, ByLevelColor, ByLevelStyle, ByLevelWeight, ByLevelMaterial, GlobalDisplay, GlobalFreeze, DisplayPriority, Transparency, Lock, and Plot. Each of the above attributes can take a "Reference" or "Library" prefix. If the prefix is not used, both reference and level library levels will be synchronized. |
MS_LEVEL_DO_NOT_OVERRIDE_DESIGN_LEVELS_IN_SHEET | Level Property Overrides in Sheet and Drawing Models | Controls the overriding of design model level properties in sheet and drawing models. If set to 1, the level properties of a design model and its reference attachments cannot be overridden in a sheet or drawing model. They will be the same as when the design model is opened directly. |
MS_LEVEL_SEED_LEVEL_NAME | Seed Level Name | Can be set to the name of a seed level. This can be a level in the master file, or a level in a DGNLib file. If the variable is not set, the default level is the seed level. When a new level is create, it takes the attributes of the seed level. |
MS_LEVEL_CREATE_FROM_SEED_ATTRIBUTE_LIST | Seed Level Attributes to use | Controls the set of attributes of the seed level that are copied to the new level. Attributes can be one or more of the following attributes as a comma separated list: OverrideSymbology, OverrideColor, OverrideStyle, OverrideWeight, OverrideMaterial, ByLevelSymbology, ByLevelColor, ByLevelStyle, ByLevelWeight, ByLevelMaterial, GlobalDisplay, GlobalFreeze, DisplayPriority, Transparency, Lock, and Plot. |
MS_UPDATE_KEEP_UNUSED_LIBRARY_LEVELS | Keep Unused Library Levels | If not set or set to 0, then unused library levels will be deleted when keying in DGNLIB UPDATE LEVELS. If set to 1, keying in DGNLIB UPDATE LEVELS will not delete all unused library levels. If set to 2, keying in DGNLIB UPDATE LEVELS will delete only unused library levels that are not synchronized with the open DGN file. |
MS_LEVEL_PICKER_WIDTH | Attributes Level Picker Width | Sets the width, in pixels, of the level picker in the Attributes toolbox. |
MS_REF_REATTACH_LEVEL_SYNC_ATTRIBUTE_LIST | Ref. Reattach Level Attributes | Specifies the list of level attributes that will sync when a reference is reattached. The attributes can be one or more of the following as a comma separated list: OverrideSymbology, OverrideColor, OverrideStyle, OverrideWeight, ByLevelSymbology, ByLevelColor, ByLevelStyle, ByLevelWeight, GlobalDisplay, GlobalFreeze, DisplayPriority, Transparency, and Plot. |
MS_LEVEL_LIB_DIR | Level Library Path | Defines the default directory to look for when exporting levels or importing levels to/from a CSV, DGN, or DGNLib file. |
MS_V7TOV8_CSVNAME | V7 to V8 Level CSV File | Defines the .csv file, which controls how levels are mapped when a V7 design file is upgraded to a V8 DGN file. |
MS_V7_LEVEL_NAME_PREFIX | V7 to V8 Level Name Prefix | Defines the prefix to apply to unnamed levels when a V7 design file is upgraded to a V8 DGN file. |
MS_V7TOV8_DELETE_UNUSED_LEVELS | V7 to V8 Delete Unused Levels | If set to 1, then all unused levels are deleted when a V7 design file is upgraded to a V8 DGN file. This variable is ignored if the V7 to V8 Level CSV File variable is set. |