LEGION Model Builder Help

Overview of LEGION Model Builder

LEGION software comprises three components:

  • LEGION Model Builder application
  • LEGION Simulator application
  • LEGION Simulator API software development kit

In combination, these components enable you to simulate pedestrian movement within a defined space, such as a railway station, sports stadium, airport, tall building, piazza, transport node or any place where people gather.

The movement of pedestrians is simulated in a quantitatively verifiable manner, considering how individuals interact with each other and with the physical obstacles in their environment.

You can perform virtual experiments on the design or operation of a site and assess the impact of different physical designs or levels of pedestrian demand.

You can study the impact of chance events, such as the closure of an exit or late arrival of a train and test evacuation routes for speed and safety. The visual nature of simulations, maps, graphs, and videos make it a highly persuasive decision-making tool.

Designers, operators, and owners of sites can use LEGION software to optimise the performance of spaces with regard to:

  • Capital planning
  • Venue design
  • Construction phasing
  • Operations and operations planning
  • Safety and evacuation
  • Space utilisation
  • Pedestrian experience

LEGION Model Builder

Use this application to create an accurate model of the space you want to simulate. In LEGION Model Builder, you can do the following:

  • Import architectural drawings (CAD) that define the physical space
  • Import the pedestrian demand imposed on the space
  • Designate areas where activities such as queuing or waiting occur
  • Account for different routes
  • Link operational data to the model
  • Create 'Conditional' or 'Reporting' analyses to interrogate certain areas of a model
  • Export model files for use in the LEGION Simulator