Substructure Help

Cracking Check (Distribution of Flexural Reinforcement Check)

Cracking check is performed only if at least one service load group is selected along with the load factor or strength load group. In AASHTO LFD, the distribution of the reinforcement is based on Art 8.16.4. For cracking check, program use the service moments without the consideration of overstress factor.

In AASHTO LRFD, program provides two options. User can choose to do the cracking check as per AASHTO LRFD 3rd Edition or as per AASHTO LRFD Interims of 2005 for 3rd Edition. The two approaches are significantly different. When design check is done as per AASHTO LRFD 3rd Edition, program follows the approach specified in Article In this approach the stress in the provided rebar is computed based on service moments and then compared to stresses allowed at the service stage. Program checks the ratio of these two stresses. As long as the actual stress is less than allowed, design is deemed okay. If the stress exceeds the allowed limit, the results are flagged. When the option is selected to do the check as per the LRFD Interims of 2005 for 3rd Edition, the check is to determine the spacing of reinforcement which should not be exceeded by the provided reinforcement. For the provided spacing, program evaluates the provided number of bars at every section. It then computes the spacing considering the side cover specified in the A/D parameters on the Analysis tab. Then it compares to check if the provided spacing is adequate or not. If the provided spacing is less than the required spacing, it is considered adequate. In case the spacing is not adequate, program flags the results for inadequacy.