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Datetime / Timespan Operators

General Form Meaning / Remarks

dt + ts

dt - ts

adjust datetime by a timespan

Results in a datetime value representing the starting datetime value plus or minus the elapsed amount of time.

dt1 – dt2

difference between datetimes

Results in a timespan value representing the length of time that's elapsed between the two datetime values.

ts1 + ts2

sum timespans

Results in a timespan value representing the total length of time.

ts1 – ts2

difference between timespans

Results in a timespan value representing the difference in the lengths of time.

ts * n

n * ts

ts / n

scale timespan by a number

Results in a timespan value representing the expanded or compressed length of time.

dt1 < dt2

ts1 < ts2

dt1 > dt2

ts1 > ts2

dt1 <= dt2

ts1 <= ts2

dt1 >= dt2

ts1 >= ts2

test for relative order

Determines how one datetime value relates to another, or how one timespan value relates to another, resulting in a bool value. The result is true if the comparison is successful, otherwise it's false.