OpenBuildings GenerativeComponents Help

Different types of geometric scripts in OpenBuildings™ GenerativeComponents

These examples illustrate the different ways scripts can be used in OpenBuildings™ GenerativeComponents to generate geometry. The geometry is the same in this case but it is created using a range of different scripting techniques and concepts supported in OpenBuildings™ GenerativeComponents.

The below set of transaction is run for specified steps, listed in the subsequent sections:
transaction 1 modelChange 'Add baseCS'
    node User.Objects.baseCS Bentley.GC.NodeTypes.CoordinateSystem
        Technique                 = 'AtModelOrigin';
        GraphLocation             = <auto> {40.0, 40.0};

transaction 2 modelChange 'Change baseCS'
    node User.Objects.baseCS Bentley.GC.NodeTypes.CoordinateSystem
        GraphLocation             = {28.333, 117.5, 0.0, 115.59};

transaction 3 modelChange 'Change baseCS'
    node User.Objects.baseCS Bentley.GC.NodeTypes.CoordinateSystem
        Technique                 = 'AtModelOrigin';
        DGNModelName              = '3D Metric Design';

transaction 4 modelChange 'Change baseCS'
    node User.Objects.baseCS Bentley.GC.NodeTypes.CoordinateSystem
        GraphLocation             = {25.0, 82.5, 174.0, 115.59};

transaction 5 script 'Points sequence by script transaction'
    for (int j = 0; j < 10; ++j)
        Point point = new Point("p_" + j);

transaction 6 modelChange 'First (using full point nodes) BSpline curve'
    node User.Objects.curve1 Bentley.GC.NodeTypes.BSplineCurve
        Points                    = {p_0, p_1, p_2, p_3, p_4, p_5, p_6, p_7, p_8, p_9};
        Color                     = 3;

transaction 7 modelChange 'Define scale variable'
    node User.Objects.curveScale Bentley.GC.NodeTypes.Slider
        Value                     = 1.0;
        Minimum                   = 0.1;
        Maximum                   = 2.0;

transaction 8 modelChange 'Coordinate system for points defined by function'
    node User.Objects.cs2 Bentley.GC.NodeTypes.CoordinateSystem
        CoordinateSystem          = baseCS;
        XTranslation              = <free> 0.0;
        YTranslation              = <free> 0.0;
        ZTranslation              = <free> 4.0;
        HandlesVisible            = true;

transaction 9 modelChange 'Point (compound) defined by internal function'
    node User.Objects.points2 Bentley.GC.NodeTypes.Point
        Function                  = function (cs,num,scale)
                                                                            for (int j = 0; j < num; ++j)
                                                                                Point point = new Point(this);
        FunctionArguments         = {cs2,10,curveScale};

transaction 10 modelChange 'change curveScale variable'
    node User.Objects.curveScale Bentley.GC.NodeTypes.Slider
        Value                     = 1.031;

transaction 11 modelChange 'Second (using child node points) BSpline curve'
    node User.Objects.curve2 Bentley.GC.NodeTypes.BSplineCurve
        Points                    = points2;
        Color                     = 4;

transaction 12 modelChange 'Coordinate system for lightweight BSpline curve'
    node User.Objects.cs3 Bentley.GC.NodeTypes.CoordinateSystem
        CoordinateSystem          = baseCS;
        XTranslation              = 0.0;
        YTranslation              = 0.0;
        ZTranslation              = <free> 8.0;
        HandlesVisible            = true;

transaction 13 modelChange 'Third (using DSeries lightweight points) BSpline curve (defined by internal function)'
    node User.Objects.curve3 Bentley.GC.NodeTypes.BSplineCurve
        Function                  = function (cs,num,scale)
                                                                            DPoint3d dPoint = {}; // list of  points
                                                                            for (int j = 0; j < num; ++j)
                                                                                dPoint[j] = new DPoint3d(1.0+j, 0.0, scale*j*j/num);
                                                                            this.ByPointsAsDPoint3ds(cs, dPoint);
        FunctionArguments         = {cs3,10,curveScale};

transaction 14 modelChange 'Coordinate system for BSpline curve defined with inline function'
    node User.Objects.cs4 Bentley.GC.NodeTypes.CoordinateSystem
        CoordinateSystem          = baseCS;
        XTranslation              = 0.0;
        YTranslation              = 0.0;
        ZTranslation              = <free> 12.0;
        HandlesVisible            = true;

transaction 15 modelChange 'Fourth BSpline curve only as point'
    node User.Objects.p5T Bentley.GC.NodeTypes.Expression
        Value                     = 0.5;
        IsValueDisplayed          = true;
    node User.Objects.point4 Bentley.GC.NodeTypes.Point
        Function                  = function(cs,num,scale,t)
                                        DPoint3d dPoint = {}; // list of  points
                                        for (int j = 0; j < num; ++j)
                                            dPoint[j] = new DPoint3d(1.0+j, 0.0, scale*j*j/num);
                                        BSplineCurve childBSpline = new BSplineCurve(); 
                                        childBSpline.ByPointsAsDPoint3ds(cs, dPoint);
        FunctionArguments         = {cs4, 10, curveScale,p5T};

The graph view of above transactions