GenerativeComponents Help

List Types

The type of a list value is expressed as the common base type of all of its members, followed by a number of empty square brackets that correspond to its rank.

Table 1. Examples
Value Type
{} object[]
{10, 345, -11, 8, 60} int[]
{10, {345, -11}, 8, 60} int[]
{{10}, {345, -11}, {8, 60}} int[][]
{{10}, {345, -11}, {8.5, 60}} double[][]
{'red', 'blue', 'yellow'} string[]
{{true, false}, 3.14159, 'Hello', timespan(0,0,0,3)} object[]
{{{0, 1}, {10, 11}}, {{100, 101}, {110, 111}}} int[][][]