Drainage and Utilities Help


File content can be browsed and managed by using the Explorer dialog File tab. The File tab displays file content in categories such as models, saved views, references, levels, and so on. You can also view the content of the active model. The model content includes saved views, levels, named groups, rasters, point clouds, references, elements, ACS, and items. The model content is displayed by expanding the active model under the Models category. You can view the content of the active model only.

You can conduct search on the file content. Search allows you to locate the required information easily that can be tedious to locate in hierarchy.

The Explorer dialog File tab displays file content in categories such as models, saved views, references, levels, and so on. Expanding each category lists items within that category or further sub-categories. You can manage the file content displayed in the Explorer File tab in the following ways:

  • Right-clicking a category - You can select a menu item from the pop-up menu to perform actions on the file. For example, if you right-click the Models category you see Manage, New, Properties and Import. Selecting Manage opens the Models dialog.
  • Right-clicking an item within a category - You can select a menu item from the pop-up menu to perform actions on the selected item. For example, if you right-click a saved view within the saved views category you see Apply, Rename, Update, and Delete. Clicking Properties opens Properties dialog in which properties of element appear.
  • Right-clicking the Elements category - You can select Organize By to organize the elements in the list by Name, Type, Level, Color, Style, Weight, Class, Template, Transparency, and Priority.
  • Right-clicking an element - When you right-click an element in the Elements category you see menu items related to the element type.
  • Double-clicking a category - Expands or collapses the category.
  • Double-clicking an item within a category - Activates or opens the item, if possible. For example, double clicking on existing model will open the model.
  • Drag-and-drop operation - You can drag saved views and models (from the Models and Saved Views categories, respectively) into the view window.

For more details, see the MicroStation help.