Drainage and Utilities Help

RTK Tables Dialog Box

You create RTK tables in the RTK Tables dialog box. The dialog box contains a list pane with the following controls:

Setting Description

Creates a new RTK table that uses an automatically created label.

Deletes the currently highlighted RTK table.

Lets you rename the currently highlighted RTK table.

Lets you generate a preformatted report that contains the input data associated with the currently highlighted RTK table.

Lets you create an exact copy of the selected RTK table with a new name.

The RTK Tables dialog box also contains the following controls:

Rapid Inflow Lets you enter RTK values for the rapid inflow component of flow: R— Fraction of precipitation that enters the collection system for rapid inflow. T— The time from the precipitation pulse to the peak of rapid inflow of the hydrograph. K— The ratio of the time to peak to time to end of hydrograph for rapid inflow.
Moderate Infiltration Lets you enter RTK values for the moderate infiltration component of flow: R— Fraction of precipitation that enters the collection system for moderate infiltration. T— The time from the precipitation pulse to the peak of moderate infiltration of the hydrograph. K— The ratio of the time to peak to time to end of hydrograph for moderate infiltration.
Slow Infiltration Lets you enter RTK values for the slow infiltration component of flow: R— Fraction of precipitation that enters the collection system for slow infiltration. T— The time from the precipitation pulse to the peak of slow infiltration of the hydrograph. K— The ratio of the time to peak to time to end of hydrograph for slow infiltration.

There is also a status bar located at the bottom of the dialog box that displays any errors and warnings that may occur when you enter data.