Bentley Descartes 2023

Thicken Mesh to Volume

Used to create a volume from an open mesh using an offset.

You can access this tool from the following:

  • Ribbon: Modeling > Mesh > Create > Extrude or Thicken Mesh > Thicken Mesh to Volume
  • Toolbox: Create Meshes

Thickness If on, a thickness value can be entered in the tool settings or the thickness value will be entered with AccuDraw.
Keep Original If on, the original element is retained. If the element is in a reference file, the referenced element is retained. If off, the original element is not retained and only the mesh volume is created.
Full Dynamics If on, the mesh volume results are displayed during placement. If off, the mesh volume results will display after placement. It is recommended when working with large mesh volumes that the report generate after placement.