Bentley Descartes 2023

[Technology Preview] Change Mesh Normal

Used to change the orientation of each face in a mesh element and any attached normals.

You can access this tool from the following:

  • Ribbon: Modeling > Mesh > Mesh Utilities
  • Toolbox: Modify Meshes

Display Sets the display of the mesh:
  • Face Plane Normal, Vertex Order - Displays the facet plane normal and the vertex order.
  • Vertex Normal - Displays the vertex normal.
  • Both - Displays the facet plane normal, vertex order, and the vertex normal.
Mode Sets which mode is used to change the mesh.
  • Reverse Vertex Order around all facets - Reverses the vertex order of all the facets of a mesh element.
  • Make vertex order consistent around all facets - Makes all the facets in a mesh element have the same normal direction.
  • Make stored normal at vertices consistent with vertex order - Within each facet, the side where the vertex order appears counterclockwise is considered the forward side. If a normal vector stored at a vertex is pointed in the reverse of the facets forward side, the vertex normal is reversed.
  • Average Normal - Hides the facet edges whose angle is equal to or less than the average normal value set in the text field.
Clicking the icon changes the selected mesh normal.