Bentley Descartes CONNECT Edition

Drape Element tool

Used to drape linear elements onto the reality model. This tool can be used to cut a section through a reality model for analysis or visualization purposes.

The tool computes a triangular irregular network (TIN) surface from a subset of points and drapes the linear element on this surface. New vertices are created to follow the TIN surface. The TIN is computed using the Delaunay algorithm in a local coordinate system; named TIN CS in the below illustration. The coordinate system is defined such that its Z axis is aligned with the draping direction of the tool (represented with the blue arrow in below illustration). The illustration shows a building facade for which a section (blue line) is extracted by draping a vertical line (red line). The green slab represents the 3D area used to select points prior to the TIN computation. Width and length of the green slab are deduced automatically from the dataset. The height parameter is defined by the user (height parameter in the tool dialog). The height parameter restricts the search area effectively ignoring points far from the surface.

Warning: A Height parameter too small could exclude all points for computation. To set the height, user should take a value slightly higher than 2 times the distance between the line to be draped and the reality model surface. This is because the height value is the distance along the vector in both directions from the draped element as shown in the illustration.

Note: When working with a reality mesh, the model's resolution is determined by the "Export Resolution" setting. To change this setting:
  1. Select a reality mesh attachment.
  2. Open the "Properties" dialog.
  3. Navigate to the "Reality Mesh" section.

The following elements are valid for draping:

  • Lines
  • Line Strings
  • Complex Chains
  • Curves
  • Arcs
  • B-Spline Curves
  • Circles
  • Ellipses
  • Texts
  • Text Nodes
  • Graphical Cells
  • Shared Cells
  • Annotation Cells
  • Orphan Cells
  • Point Cells