Bentley Descartes CONNECT Edition

Merge Options dialog

Used to merge one or more images contained within a defined area and to rasterize the vectors elements into the raster output file.

Opens when using the Merge tool, once the area is selected.

Elements to Process

Use to select the elements to process. Choose between:

  • Vectors Only

  • Rasters Only

  • Reality Meshes Only

  • Point Clouds Only

  • All Elements

Use Line Mapping

If processing the vector elements, a toggle is available to use the current line mapping attributes.

If the “Use Line Mapping” toggle is turned ON the line will be rasterized as defined in the current line mapping attributes.

If the “Use Line Mapping” toggle is turned OFF the line will be rasterized as follows:

  • Line width of 0 ⇒ 1 pixel

  • Line width of 1 ⇒ 2 pixels

  • Line width of 2 ⇒ 3 pixels

  • ...

  • Line width of 31 ⇒ 32 pixels

  • Line style of 0 ⇒ continue

  • Line style of 1 ⇒ 2; 6

  • Line style of 2 ⇒ 6; 2

  • Line style of 3 ⇒ 12; 4

  • Line style of 4 ⇒ 8; 3; 2; 3

  • Line style of 5 ⇒ 4; 4

  • Line style of 6 ⇒ 6; 2; 2; 2; 2; 2

  • Line style of 7 ⇒ 9; 2; 3; 2

Note that the numbers for line styles represent the number of pixels for Dash; Gap; Dash; Gap…

Create New Attachment(s)

Determine whether the new raster(s) will be attached to the current model. The newly attached rasters will always have their transparency and clipping toggles turned on.

Fill Clipped Area

The Fill Clipped Area option refers to how Bentley Descartes handles non-rectangular merge boundaries.

If selected, the clipped area will be filled with the MicroStation background color.

If off, the clipped area will be ignored and the source rasters will be used to the extent of the clipping boundary.

Set Using

Select how to define the raster size and resolution. The possible values are:

  • Pixel Size and DPI

  • Pixel Size and Scale

  • Pixel Size and Sheet Size

  • Number of pixels and DPI

  • Number of pixels and Scale

  • Number of pixels and Sheet Size

  • DPI and Scale

  • DPI and Sheet Size

  • Existing Raster

Definition Fields

Text fields to display or edit the X and Y resolution values.

The current Method selection determines which text fields are editable and which are grayed out.

Each time a field is edited; all the other fields are updated according to this new value.

By default:

  • World Area is calculated with the bounding box around the selected area. The units of the world area values are the Model’s working units.

  • Pixel Size is calculated by dividing the “World Area” by the “Number of Pixels”. Also, the units of the pixel size values are the Model’s working units.

  • Number of Pixels is set to the number of screen pixels in the input area.

  • DPI is set to 300.

  • Scale is calculated by multiplying the “Pixel Size” by the “DPI”.

  • Sheet Size is calculated by dividing the “World Area” by the “Scale”. The “World Area” values must be converted to the same units as “Sheet Size” multiplied by the “DPI”.

  • Sheet Unit is used to specify the units of the “Sheet Size” fields only. (in, mm, or cm).

Based On Raster

If the current Method selection is “Existing Raster”, this field lists all the rasters that are included in the merge. It also includes the option average. When a selection is done in this field, the Definition Fields are updated using the geo-reference information of the selected raster. The “World Area” and “Pixel Size” are always available in the attachment. If the “DPI” is not available, 300 will be used by default.

Output Type

Use to determine if the merge result is stored in a single file or in multiple files.

When multiple files is selected, the user must select a DGN and a model to define the shape of each output rasters to produce and their file names. This DGN may not be in the same GeoCS than the master DGN. In this case, the model will have to be re-projected before to define the output raster areas.

Output Options

Opens the Raster Save As Settings dialog allowing to edit the Format, Options and Geographic Information for the output file(s).

Grid Definition in

If multiple files is selected in the Output Type, this field is enabled to allow setting the file used for the grid definition. The magnifying glass displays the Open dialog to allow selecting a design file.


Lists the available models in the selected design file.


Runs the merge operation.


Closes the dialog without making any changes.