Bentley Descartes CONNECT Edition

Bentley Bentley Descartes Readme

Before You Begin

Before you begin, please note the following:

Review the End User License Agreement (or EULA) carefully during the installation of Bentley Descartes. By installing this release, you agree to the terms and conditions of the agreement. A copy of the End User License Agreement named "Eula.pdf" can be found in the \Bentley\Bentley Descartes CONNECT Edition folder after installation and can be accessed online at this location

What's New

  • Improved performance in Drape Element tool when elements are draped on a Scalable Mesh in the vertical direction.
  • New settings in Section tools.

    New "Forward" and "Backward" Clip Volume settings offer more flexibility in display of Reality Meshes with Sections.

    New Cut Plane tolerance setting for Point Clouds allow display of Point Clouds in cross section views using only a cut plane, making it easier to compare Point Clouds with Reality Meshes in a cross-section view.

  • The following tools now support Web Ready 3D Scalable Mesh attachments streamed from ProjectWise ContextShare:
    • Volume Calculation
    • Ground Extraction
    • Quick Ground Extraction
    • Snap Element
    • Drape Element
    • Tile Terrain
  • Automatically attach Web Ready Scalable Mesh after upload to ProjectWise ContextShare.
  • Automatically attach Scalable Mesh after conversion from 3MX.

Known Issues

  • Reality Meshes Issues
    • 3MX to 3SM conversion fails when tiles are missing.
    • Analysis and Feature Extraction tools are not supported on Reality Meshes streamed from ProjectWise ContextShare.
  • Scalable Terrain Models Issues
    • If Bing Maps is reprojected, it will not be positioned properly when draped on an STM.
    • When a STM is present in the same folder as the DGN file, and another STM of the same name is created elsewhere, the STM in the same folder as the DGN is attached.
    • When STM is generated from breaklines only, some contours are not closed.
    • Clips are not applied correctly when an STM source list contains a boundary and a mask.
    • Cannot extract a raster grid of more than 50 million points.
    • It is not possible to generate STM from "Point String" elements.
    • STM clip does not follow area's boundary when the area is a fence or a view.
  • Point Cloud Issues
    • In some cases the classification of a point cloud will be changed if an operation is performed on the point cloud. Known examples include placing a slab and creating an STM from point cloud. The original classification can be restored by detaching and reattaching the point cloud.
    • A class value of 66 cannot be used. 66 is used as the default value used when editing in a user channel.
    • Edit Classification tool may not be able to move points to newly created Class Definitions in DGN files that have been created in V8i products. To fix this, reapply the Classification"style.
    • The point recoloring option available in 3D Line Following tool and in Section Slave views works only if the view presentation style is not set to None.
  • Reality Model Presentation Issues
    • Redo does not work in the "Class Definition" tab of the "Reality Model Presentation" dialog.
    • Not possible to u ndo/redo from shortcuts (Ctrl + Z & Ctrl + R) when the "Reality Model Presentation" dialog has focus.
    • The "Rename" option is missing in all tabs of the "Reality Model Presentation" dialog. The F2 key can be used as a workaround.
    • It is not possible to display Class Definition IDs.
    • It is not possible to Sort Class Definitions.



Copyright (c) 2018 Bentley Systems, Incorporated. All rights reserved. Including software, file formats, and audiovisual displays; may only be used pursuant to applicable software license agreement; contains confidential and proprietary information of Bentley Systems, Incorporated and/or third parties which is protected by copyright and trade secret law and may not be provided or otherwise made available without proper authorization.


If this software is acquired for or on behalf of the United States of America, its agencies and/or instrumentalities ("U.S. Government"), it is provided with restricted rights. This software and accompanying documentation are "commercial computer software" and "commercial computer software documentation", respectively, pursuant to 48 C.F.R. 12.212 and 227.7202, and "restricted computer software" pursuant to 48 C.F.R. 52.227-19(a), as applicable. Use, modification, reproduction, release, performance, display or disclosure of this software and accompanying documentation by the U.S. Government are subject to restrictions as set forth in this Agreement and pursuant to 48 C.F.R. 12.212, 52.227-19, 227.7202, and 1852.227-86, as applicable.Contractor/Manufacturer is Bentley Systems, Incorporated, 685 Stockton Drive, Exton, PA 19341-0678.Unpublished - rights reserved under the Copyright Laws of the United States and International treaties.