Bentley Descartes CONNECT Edition

Merge tool settings


Use to select the area to merge.

  • Block: Using the pointer, select two data points to create a block to merge.

  • Oriented Block: Using the pointer, select data points to create an oriented block to merge.

  • Element: Using the pointer, select an existing closed vector element to merge.

  • Shape: Using the pointer, draw a shape to merge.

  • View: Using the pointer, enter a data point in the view to be used to merge.

User Fence

Used to turn the Use Fence feature ON or OFF. If ON, the tool works on the raster(s) overlapped by the fence and ignores the selected raster(s). If the fence mode is not set to “Clip”, it will be used but treated as a fence clip. The area option button is grayed out. If OFF, the tool works on the selected raster(s). The area option button is available.