Bentley Descartes CONNECT Edition

Volume Calculation

The Volume Calculation tool compares two Scalable Meshes (3SM) or a Scalable Mesh and an element.

Access the tool:

  • Realty Modeling workflow: Analyze tab > Reality Mesh > Volume Calculation.
  • Open Reality Mesh Attachments dialog then select Edit.

The tool creates a grid (Grid Resolution setting) over the user defined area which is used to calculate volume differences between the two models. These volumes are then used to analyze and report Cut and Fill differences.


Choose area where to perform Volume Calculation:

  • Block
  • Shape
  • Element
Cut Color Color that represents cut values in output Raster Grid.
Fill Color

Color that represents fill values in output Raster Grid.

Grid Resolution Cell size in output Raster Grid.

Output types:

  • Raster Grid
  • Table
  • Raster Grid and Table

Raster Grids are automatically attached and applied a Thematic display based on the Cut Color and Fill Color settings. The Table output creates a .csv file on disk which can be placed manually as a Table element using the Place Table tool.