Bentley Descartes CONNECT Edition

Placing a Section View on a Sheet

You can place the generated section view on a sheet just like you would any other reference.

In addition to the creation of the reference and drawing boundary, a link is established between the section callout and the drawing boundary. There is a link on the section callout that points to the drawing boundary. The placeholder fields in the section callout are evaluated by using this link. In the example below, the section callout will display the drawing identifier and sheet number. Note that if a section view is placed multiple times, the section callout will use the first created drawing boundary to update its fields. You can still navigate to the other drawing boundary by right-clicking the section callout and choosing Follow Link from the pop-up menu.

(1) The clipped plan saved view is placed as a reference in a sheet model. (2) The section callout can be placed on the sheet to create the section view in the 3D model. (3) The section saved view is placed as a reference in a sheet model.