Bentley Descartes CONNECT Edition

Quick Ground Extraction tool

The Quick Ground Extraction tool extracts terrain in a Scalable mesh (3SM) from a user defined area.

Access the tool:

  • Reality Modeling workflow: Extract tab > Reality Mesh
  • Open Reality MeshAttachments dialog then select Edit.

The Quick Ground Extraction tool extracts ground in a user defined area. The user can draw a Block, a Shape or select a closed element to define the area. The points that define the area should be snapped on the ground.

The tool extracts the ground inside the defined area and outputs it in a new 3SM attachment that is created in a new folder located in the same folder as the DGN file.

Then both 3SM attachments are clipped for seamless display. The original 3SM is clipped using a Clip Mask and the new 3SM is clipped using a Clip boundary.

Clips are generated in the form of Clip Files (_clips & _ clipDefinitions ) in the same folder as the output 3SM file. To remove those clips, simply delete the clip files.