Bentley Descartes CONNECT Edition

[Technology Preview] Catalog Item Types Dialog

Used to display and download the item type libraries that are available in the CONNECTED project.

You can open this dialog from the following:
  • Ribbon: Drawing > Content > Catalog Service > Download Item Types
  • Ribbon: Modeling > Content > Catalog Service > Download Item Types
Download Item Types
Downloads the selected item type library to the DGN file.
Refresh Item Types
Refreshes the selected item type.

This button is available only when a local item type library is modified. Clicking it will delete the local item type library and download the item type library again. If the item type library is already in use, you will get an alert to confirm the refresh.

Item Type Libraries list Lists the item type libraries available in the CONNECTED project. The icons on the left of the item type library name indicate the following:

- Item type library is present but not downloaded locally.

- Item type library is downloaded and available locally.

- The local item type library is different from the one available on the CONNECTED project.

The item types that are used are labeled in bold letters and item types that are modified display a triangle icon.