Bentley Descartes CONNECT Edition

[Technology Preview] Add to Catalog Dialog

Used to publish a catalog item on the CONNECTED project.

You can open this dialog from the following:

  • Ribbon: Drawing > Content > Catalog Service > Add to Catalog
  • Ribbon: Modeling > Content > Catalog Service > Add to Catalog
Model Lists models present in the DGN file.
Status Displays the status of the model:

Red icon - Indicates error. Hovering on the icon will display the issue with the model.

Orange icon - Indicates warning. Hovering on the icon will display the warning.

Green icon - Indicates the model is ready to be published.

Preview Displays thumbnail preview of the model. Thumbnails are captured from the active view. Following settings are recommended to get a good thumbnail preview:
  • Switch off the camera as well as Markers of the active view from the View Attributes dialog.
  • Use the View Size tool and set the Aspect Ratio as Square 500 x 500.
  • Use Smooth display style with white background.

The preview can also be taken from a saved view that is named as "Preview". You may have to do the recommended settings before creating the saved view.

Attachments Allows you to add attachments to the catalog item. Attachments could include the following:
  • Specifications
  • Description
  • Logo
  • Image

All attachments are optional. If you attach all docs, you will see green icon in the Status column. Else, you will see an orange icon.

To delete an attachment, click the Delete icon on the right of the attachment.