Bentley Descartes CONNECT Edition

[Technology Preview] Add Element to Print Model

Used to create a 3D print-ready model out of a geometry.

You can open this tool from the following:
Model Enter the name of the 3D printable model to which the selected geometry will be added.
3D Printer Allows you to select the desired 3D printer profile.

Clicking the Browse icon next to this field opens the 3D Printer Profile Settings dialog in which you can create and manage 3D Printer profiles.

Scale Sets the scale of the geometry.
Select Print Volume Allows you to create a new print volume or select an existing print volume to which the geometry will be added. Print volumes can also be created in the 3D printable model using the Create Print Volume tool.
Use ACS Origin If on, allows you to add a named ACS to the model. This can be helpful if you want to subsequently add geometries to a print volume. The ACS can be used as the origin of the print volume such that when you add geometries to the print volume later, they remain relative to each other.
Shrink Wrap If there are issues in your geometry such as voids in the mesh or multiple surfaces that make up a volume, the geometry cannot be 3D printed because it does not make up a volume. In such cases, turning on this check box shrink wraps the geometry to create a volume from the surfaces.

Detail detection (Available only when Shrink Wrap check box is turned on) Sets the level of detail that is detected by the shrink wrap algorithm. If you think the geometry does not have smaller details, you can set this option to Low. On the other hand, if your geometry has smaller details that you would like to preserve in the 3D printable model, you can set the Detail detection option to High.
Use Fence If on, sets the method by which fence contents are selected. The option menu sets the Fence (Selection) Mode.