ContextCapture User Guide


Block 3D view content depend on the available data of the block. Content display can be controlled from the Display Styles drawer.


Only photos with known position are displayed in the 3D view.

Photos with complete pose (known position and rotation) are displayed with their oriented view frustum, selecting them allows to display their approximated field of view in 3D.

Photos are colored according to their calibration status and to the RMS of reprojection of their tie points.


Reprojection error (px)

Calibration status

< 1px


[1 px, 3px[


> 3 px



Not calibrated (in a non-calibrated block)


Not calibrated (in a calibrated block)



(*) May occur for imported photos without tie points

Survey points

Survey points symbols allows to identify the survey point type (user tie points or survey points, check point):


Reprojection error (px)

Control point (used for calibration)
Control point "Check point" (not used for calibration)
User tie point (used for calibration)
User tie point "Check point" (not used for calibration)

Control points are located in the 3D view according to their actual 3D position; user tie points are located on their estimated 3D position.

Survey points are colored according to the RMS of reprojection error of their measurements in input photos:


Reprojection error (px)

< 1px

[1 px, 3px[

> 3 px

Unknown error

Invalid survey point*

(*) Not enough measurements

You can control camera size from the Display Styles drawer.

Generated Tie points

Colored tie points generated by aerotriangulation.

You can control point size from the Display Styles drawer.


Splats are an alternative representation of the tiepoints that adds textured surfaces to each point to provide a better understanding of the 3D context (represented scene). Each tie point is depicted as a flat square covered by part of a photo seeing the point.

Splats are processed by default during the aerotriangulation step. However, processing also can be started manually from the block general tab.

Show and hide splats from the Layers menu, and control splats size using the dedicated slider.

Generated tie points and corresponding splats representation

Please note that splats do not reflect the quality of the Reality Mesh and are meant only to help understanding tie points positioning.

You can control splats size from the Display Styles drawer.

Point clouds

Block's point clouds imported from scans.

You can control point size from the Display Styles drawer.

3D Mesh

Allows to display a 3D mesh produced from this block.

Display Styles:

  • Source: select which mesh to display among supported block productions (supported formats: 3MX, 3SM).
  • Style: select a predefined style to set wireframe and texture combination.
  • Backface culling: hides sides of the model facing away from the camera, it may be used to ease navigation in interior scenes.


Base grid and axis can be used to check roughly scene scale and alignment.

Example of grid and axis


Basemaps allows to add reference 3D contents in the 3D view.

You can also add and manage basemap layers with the Basemap manager. (See also Basemap manager on page 37.)

Example of basemap created from local data

Photo Navigation

Use this command to activate Photo Navigation.

See also Photo Navigation.