ContextCapture User Guide

Command-line syntax and allowed options

Last updated: February 24, 2021

ExportUniqueMesh tile_list [output_directory] --tilingSRS ... --tileSize ... --heightRange ... --resolution ... --outputSRS ... [options]

tile_list path of the input tile list (mandatory)
[output_directory] path of the output directory. By default, use the working directory
--cache Path of the cache directory. By default, use the "cache" subdirectory of the working directory
--help, -h produce help message
--resolution resolution of the leaf nodes, in meters (mandatory)
--tilingSRS definition of the tiling SRS, or path to its definition (mandatory)
--tileSize tile size, in the unit of the tiling SRS (mandatory)
--heightRange height of the tiling in the tiling SRS, in "zmin zmax" format (mandatory)
--textureSize maximum texture size. Default value is 8192. Minimum accepted value for the texture size is 1024.
--textureQuality texture quality used for JPEG compression, between 0 and 100. Default: 75
--fill fill color for untextured facets, in RGB format (default: "128 128 128")
--skirtSize length of the skirts added at the boundary of LOD nodes, relatively to the LOD scale (read more below). Default: no skirts
--format output format. See below the list of possible values. Default is the 3MX format
--nodeSize relative size of level-of-detail nodes (read more below). Default: 1
--outputSRS definition of the output SRS, or path to its definition (mandatory)
--outputOrigin 3D position in the output SRS used as the origin of mesh coordinates. By default, an automatic origin is chosen
--v2 activate this option to process 3D reference models of ContextCapture version < 3.0

Skirt: the skirt is an additional border included around each geometry node, to avoid cracks between the different parts of the mesh. The skirt is not tangent to the 3D model: it lies in the boundary of the 3D region of the node, and it is oriented towards the interior of the 3D model. For example, the skirt between two side-by-side mesh nodes is composed of thin vertical strips. The skirt length depends of the resolution of each node.