ContextCapture User Guide


Last updated: February 24, 2021

The program does not use GPU computing. Any available computer with a powerful CPU can be used.

Only one instance of the program should run on one computer, because one instance of the program uses all the processor cores of the computer.

Thanks to the files written in the cache directory, the process can be resumed from its current progress if it is interrupted by a computer failure, simply by running the program again with the same parameters. Inconsistent results will be obtained if the program is run with different parameters after an interruption without clearing the cache directory.

The program can run on several computers in parallel. The same parameters (tile list, tiling structure, output format/options, etc) and the same - or an equivalent - output and cache directories must be given to the different computers.

Even if the program is run on several computers in parallel, only one computer writes the output files in the last processing step: the first computer where the program was started. It is recommended to choose the computer with more I/O performance for the output directory.

Increasing the number of computers too much will lead to an I/O bottleneck. Using more than 10 computers to create a same 3D model is unlikely to be useful.