ContextCapture User Guide

Reference manager

Check resources, repair or update links.

ContextCapture projects refer to several external resources: input photos and masks, as well as output directories. The reference manager interface allows you to check, repair or update corresponding links.

Some resources may be synchronized with the cloud. The reference manager dialog allows to check and control the synchronization.

The reference manager interface

Note: If the project contains unloaded blocks, the reference manager will temporary load them in order to manage project references properly (see also Load/unload blocks).

Check resources status with Update status. Repair or update links with the Replace in paths tool, or editing resources paths directly.

Changes appear in bold characters in the resources table and are actually applied only when you click on Apply changes.


Filter resource table.

Use the filter to quickly find resources from their location.

Filter supports simple wildcard matching (?, *, etc.)

Update Status

Check access to resources and update the status column accordingly.

Replace in paths

Make changes in file paths.

Replace in path dialog Enter the text to replace in Find what and the new text in Replace with.

Enter the text to replace in Find what and the new text in Replace with.

Look in: select All items to apply replacement to all the items of the current filter result, or Selected item to limit the replacement to the corresponding selection.

Find options: enable Match case or Use regular expression to perform advanced replacement operations.

Management at resource level

Right click on a resource to display the resource context menu.

Resource context menu

Apply changes

Apply pending changes (in bold).

Changes are applied only when you actually click on Apply changes.

Depending on project complexity, applying path changes may take a significant time.

Cancel changes

Cancel all changes which are not applied yet (in bold), and restore initial values.