ContextCapture User Guide

ContextCapture Master

Last updated: February 24, 2021

The ContextCapture Master is the master module of ContextCapture . Through a graphical user interface, it allows you to:

  • Import the data sets,

  • Define the processing settings,

  • Submit tasks,

  • Monitor the progress of submitted tasks,

  • Visualize results, etc.

The Master does not perform the processing tasks. Instead, it decomposes tasks into elementary jobs which it submits to a job queue.

ContextCapture Master 's main interface manages the different steps of the ContextCapture workflow through a project.

A project is organized along a tree structure. It contains items of different types, corresponding to each step of the workflow:

  • Project: A project manages all data relative to a scene processed by ContextCapture . It contains one or several blocks as sub-items.
  • Block: A block manages a set of input photos and their properties (photogroup properties: sensor size, focal length, principal point, lens distortion / pose: position, rotation), based on which one or several reconstructions can be created. These reconstructions are represented as sub-items of the block in the tree structure.
  • Reconstruction: A reconstruction manages a 3D reconstruction framework (spatial reference system, region-of-interest, tiling, retouching, processing settings), based on which one or several productions can be launched. These productions are represented as sub-items of the reconstruction in the tree structure.
  • Production: A production manages the generation of a 3D model, with error feedback, progress monitoring and notifications about updates of the underlying reconstruction (e.g. retouching).

A project can contain multiple items corresponding to a same step of the workflow, which allows complex versioning and/or variant management. This is very useful to experiment on a same scene with different input data and different processing settings.

The main interface is in the form of a project explorer from which you can browse all the items of a project.

ContextCapture Master main interface

You can navigate in the project from the project tree view:

  • The project tree view provides a direct access to any item in the project and provides an overview of the project (it includes a preview of the status of each project item).

The central area (project item view) manages data and actions relative to the active item. Its content depends on the type of the active item (project, block, reconstruction or production).

For some specific actions, the interface guides you through the workflow using dedicated modal dialogs or wizards.

ContextCapture Master submits jobs to ContextCapture Engine through a job queue. The Job Queue Monitor panel displays an overview of the job queue status and progress.