ContextCapture User Guide

What's New?

Update 17

  • Speed up of reconstruction (20% to 40% speed gain depending on projects).
  • Aerotriangulation: use positioning metadata during matching to improve robustness.
  • Aerotriangulation: improved robustness for rig setups.
  • Aerotriangulation: improved handling of disconnected components.
  • Upload/Download point clouds as PWCS ScanCollection.
  • JobQueue revamp: improved job queue performance (now based on a database).
  • Block 3D view/touchup UI measurement tools update/improved UX.
  • Add the possibility to use point clouds in orthophotos.

Update 16

  • New Touchup tools.
  • New alternate AT engine available as Preset.
  • New 3Dmesh format "OpenCities Planner".
  • New Block Export to Orbit 3DSM.
  • New function to merge tiled orthophotos and DSM.
  • Quality Control UI now available in ContextCapture edition.
  • New Reference Manager. Enabling cloud synchronization of Image Collections and updated reference manager UI.
  • Optimized reconstruction for vertical structure captured following orbit path.
  • Speed up of reconstruction (average 20% speed gain).

Update 15

  • New orthophoto workflow based on dedicated reconstruction type, including a new texturing algorithm that greatly improves the visual quality.
  • New aerotriangulation positioning mode management; enhanced control over adjustment and rigid registration steps.
  • Revamped block 3D view with new user interface and tools, including lock on photo, quality metrics, editing tools for tie points, full resolution photo display, grid display, etcetera.
  • Automatic detection and generation of water constraints, available in a dedicated production (Technlology preview).
  • Block Import tool extended to ProjectWise ContextShare.
  • SDK now included in the ContextCapture edition.
  • New capability of merging point clouds into a unique LAS or POD file.
  • Automatic control point registration extended to include compact tags.

Update 14

  • ContextCapture Cloud Processing Console embedded in the installer.
  • New function "Process on the cloud" to ease project migration on the cloud.
  • Processing time report on productions.
  • New Share dialog to manage publication to ProjectWise ContextShare, and new formats supported for sharing (OBJ, LAS/LAZ, FBX, POD, Orthophoto/DSM, DGN, ESRI SLPK).

Update 13

  • Scan import now supports scans with unknown unique source position (auto detection of source position) and POD format.
  • New types of tags supported for target autodetection: Chili Tags and April Tags.
  • New quality metrics in block 3D view (camera and survey points colorization according to error, distance to input position).
  • Improved performance and robustness of multipass aerotriangulation (now by default).
  • Other bug fixes and improvements.
  • ContextCapture Insights EAP.

Update 12

  • Splats: new textured 3D representation of tiepoints; available in a block after aerotriangulation.
  • New compressed block exchange format XMLZ.
  • Added support for mobile scan format NavVis PLY.
  • Support of local coordinate system with known unit (for all production workflow from scale constraint, control points, etcetera.).
  • Photo Navigation, a new block 3D view mode.
  • Grid computing now supported in ContextCapture edition (limited to 2 computers).

Update 11

  • New licensing system based on Bentley CONNECT licensing.
  • Upgraded internal component Bentley Powerplatform.

Update 10

  • Hybrid registration photos/point clouds: new aerotriangulation positioning modes to register photos using point clouds.
  • New Surveys user interface with enhanced ergonomics and user assistance.
  • Multi-scale constraints.
  • Coverage map (Quality report).

Update 9

  • Production clipping based on region of interest
  • New MasterKernel SDK packaging with python wheel
  • New block type "Orbit" to optimize processing of scenes made of orbital views around a thin structure (cell tower, pylon, wind turbine, etc.)
  • Improved quality report/acquisition report (side views, distance to input positions, uncertainty ellipses, color flags, expandable sections...)
  • New reconstruction setting: texture source priority
  • New production option: texture sharpening
  • Surveys: new import wizard, added support of Propeller format
  • Region of interest import from DGN format
  • New web application ContextCapture Web
  • Viewer 2.0 for Cesium productions

Update 8

  • Photo multiselection in the block's 3Dview (shift/ctrl keys, rectangle, by tie point).
  • Faster Aerotriangulation and reconstruction.
  • Measurements in US survey feet (new unit system settings).
  • Survey points multiselection (for deletion/edition).
  • New camera orientation option for block XML export.
  • Enhanced aerotriangulation report.
  • Extended/improved LOD production across tiles: now supports any kind of tiling (3D, adaptive tree, etcetera).
  • New reconstruction settings to use only point clouds for geometry.
  • Surveys data import/export including control and user tie points with measurements and positioning constraints.

[beta] New Aerotriangulation preset dedicated to fine structures (eg. telecom towers, pylons).

  • Spatial reference system support for touchup and reconstruction constraints.
  • New production 3D view tab.
  • Surface/Volume measurement.
  • Export of 3D mesh with texture and level-of-detail to GoogleEarth KML.
  • Export of orthophoto to KML super-overlay.
  • Interoperability with Bentley platform: Pointools POD, 3MX support in MicroStation Connect.
  • Block merging (ability to merge two existing blocks from the user interface).

For more details, view the full changelog (doc/ContextCapture ChangeLog.txt) in ContextCapture installation directory.