ContextCapture Editor

[Technology Preview] Shrinkwrap mesh

This tool is used to create a watertight mesh.

You can access this tool from the following:

Keyin: facet shrinkwrap
Depth Shows the resolution. Higher depth means higher resolution and smoother surfaces.
Create Thick Shell with void If on, applies a pre-thickening to the mesh before shrinkwrapping. If off, parts of the mesh that are detected as surface instead of volume, will be considered as artifacts and removed.
Distance to shell outside To be used only when Create Thick Shell with void is on. Allows you to specify the mesh thickness in the direction normal to mesh orientation.
Distance to shell inside To be used only when Create Thick Shell with void is on. Allows you to specify the mesh thickness in the direction opposite to mesh orientation.

You can see the procedure to create a shrinkwrap mesh here.