ContextCapture Editor

[Technology Preview] Photo Navigation Dialog

Used to navigate through the photographic images that were used to create the mesh.
You can access this dialog from the following:
  • Reality Mesh Attachments dialog: Click the Open Photo Navigation Utility icon
List Box Lists the photographic images used to create the images. The list box contains the following columns:
  • Photo Id - Lists the name of the photo file.
  • Resolution - Displays the smallest sized object that can be seen in the photo (pixel size in centimeters). The value in this column is populated after you define an Interest Point.
  • Notes - Displays notes, if any, added to the photo file.
Tools > Select Block Exchange File Opens the Select Block Exchange File dialog from where you can select the browse to a Block Exchange file or provide a URL of the file.
Tools > Browse Starts the Browse Photo tool. With this tool, moving the cursor over a photo origin will display the camera frustum in the view window. Clicking on an origin point will also select the photo in the list box.

To open the photo viewer for a particular photograph, place the cursor over a camera origin point and press <Ctrl+data point>. The photo will be downloaded and the viewer will open. You can also double-click the photo name in the list box to open the photograph in the photo viewer.

Tools > Interest Point > Create Used to create an interest point in the field of view. Once created, the interest point will display as a yellow point.

After an interest point is defined, the Resolution column will display the smallest sized object that can be seen in the photo (pixel size in centimeters).

When an Interest Point has been defined, the Photo Viewer dialog can be configured to show the region of the photo that contains the Interest Point. To enable this feature, right-click within the photo to open the context menu and select Mark Interest Points.

Tools > Interest Point > Clear Removes the interest point.
Tools > Interest Point > Calculate Visibility When an interest point is defined, the photo list will be filtered to only include those photographs which have that particular point in their field of view. However, this does not account for the possibility that the point is obscured in certain photographs by other geometry. When you select this option, visibility calculation is performed to remove obscured photos from the list
Tools > Cache Settings TBD
Right-click menu Right-clicking a photograph in the list box opens a pop-up menu with following options:
  • Open - Downloads and opens the file in the photo viewer.
  • Flash - Shows the camera frustum of the selected photo in the view window. This also starts the Browse Photo tool.
  • Orient View - Orients the selected view to match the camera position for the selected photo.
  • Notes - Selecting Open Note opens the Add Image Note dialog in which you can add a text note to be associated to the selected photo. Selecting Copy to Clipboard, copies a summary of the note to the Windows clipboard for inclusion in a separate document.
  • Properties - Provides basic information about the photo.