ConstructSim Work Package Server Setup Guide

To Configure CAD Converter Settings for a PDS Data Source

  1. Double-click CSST.mdb (C:\ConstructSimData\Projects\<ProjectName>\CSST) to open CSST-Admin.
  2. From the left pane, expand CSST Set-Up.
  3. Double-click Configure Data Processing Converters. The VCM Data Processing Configuration window opens.
  4. Click CAD Converter Settings. The CAD DataSources dialog opens.
  5. Click Import and in the CAD DataSource Import dialog, click the browse button and navigate to C:\ConstructSimData\Projects\<ProjectName>\ProjectData\CAD\PDS\CADConverterConfiguration\PDSConfiguration.sql and click Open.
  6. In the CAD DataSource Import dialog, click Import. You get a message that the import is successful.
  7. In the CAD DataSources dialog, select PDSFiles and click Edit. The PDS Configuration dialog opens.
  8. In the MDB File field, browse to the CSIM.mdb2 file in the PDS folder (C:\ConstructSimData\Projects\<ProjectName>\ProjectData\CAD\PDS) for the project.
  9. In the DGN File Location field, browse to the PDS folder for the project.
  10. Turn on Use a Hierarchy MDB File and in the Hierarchy MDB File field, browse to the PDS Hierarchy folder in the PDS folder of the project.
  11. Make sure Disable logging is off and click OK in the PDS Configuration dialog.
  12. Click Done to close the CAD DataSources dialog and complete the configuration.