ConstructSim Planner CONNECT Edition Update 5 Help

Modifying Raster File Attachments

The display of raster image files that have been attached to a design file may be modified in various ways. Included in Raster Manager are the tools that let you:

  • Clip, or crop an image's display.
  • Mask off an area within an image.
  • Modify or remove a clipping polygon.
  • Move, and/or resize an image.
  • Warp an image to fit an area in the design.
  • Draping and rendering images.
  • Reprojecting images using a different geocoordinate system (GCS).

When a raster attachment is modified with Raster Manager, no changes are made to the original file, just to its attachment information in the design file. Clipping and transparency settings are not exported when an image is resampled. By default, these settings are kept in the design file attachment and are lost if the image is detached.