CivilStorm 2024 Help

Critical Storm Analysis Wizard – Step 1

Critical Storm Analysis Options

On the first step of the critical storm analysis wizard, you must select several options.

  1. Base Scenario – this scenario will be used as the parent of any scenarios you export from the critical storm analysis summary table. It is also the basis for most of the input parameters for your model other than hydrology and rainfall runoff.
  2. Analysis Type
    1. Hydraulic Grade Line at Nodes – uses the hydraulic grade line in manholes, catch basins and outfalls to determine the critical scenario.
    2. Flow in Conduits – uses the flow in conduits to determine the critical scenario.
  3. For either analysis type, you can select calculating the maximum, mean or median.

The import button allows you to import settings from an external file that was created using the Export button on step 3.