CivilStorm 2024 Help

Chart Tools Gallery Dialog Box - Series Tab

Use the Series tab to add tools related to the series in your chart. The Series tab contains the following tools:


Displays a draggable cursor line on top of the series. After you have added the Cursor tool to your graph, you can modify the following settings:

Series Lets you select the series to which you want to apply the tool.
Style Lets you select a horizontal line, vertical line, or both as the format of the tool.
Snap Causes the cursor tool to adhere to the selected series.
Follow Mouse Causes the cursor tool to follow your movements of the mouse.
Pen Lets you define the cursor tool. The Border Editor opens, see "Border Editor Dialog Box" .

Drag Marks

Lets you drag series marks. To use this tool, you must display the marks for a selected series, see "Marks Tab" . After you have added the Drag Marks tool to your graph, you can modify the following settings:

Series Lets you select the series to which you want to apply the tool.
Reset Positions Moves any marks you have dragged back to their original position.

Drag Point

Lets you drag a series point. After you have added the Drag Point tool to your graph, you can modify the following settings:

Series Lets you select the series to which you want to apply the tool.
Style Lets you constrain the movement of the series point to one axis or both (no constraint).
Mouse Button Lets you select the mouse button you click to drag.
Cursor Lets you select the appearance of the cursor when using the tool.

Draw Line

Lets you draw a line on the graph by dragging. After you have added the Draw Line tool to your graph, you can modify the following settings:

Series Lets you select the series to which you want to apply the tool.
Pen Lets you define the line. The Border Editor opens, see "Border Editor Dialog Box" .
Button Lets you select the mouse button you click to drag.
Enable Draw Enables the Draw Line tool. Select this check box to let you draw lines, clear it to prevent you from drawing lines.
Enable Select Lets you select and move lines that you have drawn. Select this check box, then click and drag the line you want to move. clear this check box if you want to prevent lines from being moved.
Remove All Removes all lines you have drawn.

Gantt Drag

Lets you move and resize Gantt bars by dragging. This is unused by CivilStorm .


Displays a picture using the selected series axes as boundaries. After you have added the Image tool to your graph, you can modify the following settings:

Series Lets you select the series to which you want to apply the tool.
Browse Lets you navigate to and select the image you want to use. Browse is unavailable when there is a selected image. To select a new image, first clear the existing one.
Clear Lets you remove a selected image. Clear is unavailable when there is no selected image.
Mode Lets you set up the image you select. Normal —Puts the background image in the top-left corner of the graph. Stretch —Resizes the background image to fill the entire background of the graph. The image you select conforms to the series to which you apply it. Center —Puts the background image in the horizontal and vertical center of the graph. Tile —Repeats the background image as many times as needed to fill the entire background of the graph.

Mark Tips

Displays data in tooltips when you move the cursor over the graph. After you have added the Mark Tips tool to your graph, you can modify the following settings:

Series Lets you select the series to which you want to apply the tool
Style Lets you select what data the tooltips display.
Action Sets when the tooltips display. Select Click if you want the tooltips to display when you click, or select Move if you want the tooltips to display when you move the mouse.
Delay Lets you delay how quickly the tooltip displays.

Nearest Point

Lets you define and display an indicator when you are near a point in the selected series. After you have added the Nearest Point tool to your graph, you can modify the following settings:

Series Lets you select the series to which you want to apply the tool.
Fill Lets you set the fill for the nearest-point indicator. The Hatch Brush Editor opens, see "Hatch Brush Editor Dialog Box" .
Border Lets you set the outline of the nearest-point indicator. The Border Editor opens, see "Border Editor Dialog Box" .
Draw Line Creates a line from the tip of the cursor to the series point.
Style Sets the shape for the indicator
Size Sizes the indicator.

Pie Slices

Outlines or expands slices of pie charts when you move the cursor or click them. This is unused by CivilStorm .

Series Animation

Animates series points. After you have added the Series Animation tool to your graph, you can modify the following settings:

Series Lets you select the series to which you want to apply the tool.
Steps Lets you select the steps used in the animation. Set this control towards 100 for smoother animation and away from 100 for quicker, but less smooth animation.
Start at min. value Lets you start the animation at the series’ minimum value. clear this check box to set your own start value.
Start value Sets the value at which the animation starts. To use this control, you must clear Start at min. value .
Execute! Starts the animation.