CivilStorm 2024 Help

Pressure Summary Tab

The Pressure Summary displays a table of data about the pressure subnetworks in the model. Click the Copy button to copy the Pressure Summary to the clipboard. Click the Report button to generate a preformatted Pressure Summary report.

The table displays whether the flow is balanced, the number of trials, and the relative flow change at a particular time step for the pressure subnetwork that is currently selected in the Pressure Subnetwork menu:

Click the Highlight button to visually distinguish the pressure subnetwork that is currently selected.

If you click on a time step in the table more detailed information is displayed in the tabs at the bottom of the dialog:

  • Information tab: This tab displays any element messages for the currently selected time step.
  • Status Messages tab: This tab displays any status messages for the currently selected time step.
  • Trials tab: This tab displays the relative flow change for each of the trials for the currently selected time step.