CivilStorm 2024 Help

Alerts and Alarms

The alerts and alarms tab, available in the user notification docking window, provides messages when configured alerts and/or alarms are triggered.

The processing of alerts and alarms is done immediately following the calculation of a model using the Explicit (SWMM Solver) engine configured to use SCADAConnect Simulator.

Enabled alerts are validated first. A warning message is generated for any invalid setting for an alert.

Alarms are processed, and a message is generated for any alarms triggered.

Enabled alerts are processed in the order they appear in the alerts dialog. A message is generated for an alert if at least one element specified in the selection set triggers the alert at a specific time step.

There is a specific number of element types and fields available to configure alerts.

  • Conduits
    • Depth (Surcharged)
    • Flow (Roadway Overtopping)
  • Channels
    • Depth/Rise
  • Pressure Pipes
    • Depth (Surcharged)
  • Catch Basins
    • Flow (Overflow)
    • Freeboard Height
    • Spread / Top Width
  • Manhole
    • Flow (Overflow)
    • Freeboard Height
  • Outfall
    • Flow (Total Out)
  • Pond
    • Flow (Overflow)
    • Freeboard Height
  • Wet Well
    • Flow (Overflow)
    • Percent Full (Calculated)

Each of the above fields are available on their respective element types in the property grid, FlexTable, etc.