CivilStorm 2024 Help

2D Grid Adjustment Elements

Several 2D elements have been added to aid with adjusting various variables of the computational grid. Select the [2D] tab on the ribbon and click on any of these 2D Grid Adjustment Elements to add them to the map and overlay your 2D Grid. Groupings of these 2D elements can be found in the Element Symbology as 2D Polygons, 2D Polylines, and 2D Points.

Supplementing your 2D modeling space with a variety of grid adjustment elements allows you the ability to physically represent the structures, obstructions, and varying land classifications using native network elements in your map. You can also stack several grid adjustment elements atop the 2D Grid Element, and one another. For example, a proposed road (Road Centerline) upon a managed land parcel (Land Use Area) in a flood prone area. When multiple Adjustment Areas overlap (i.e. existing vs. proposed land use conditions) simply declare a higher Priority value to the polygon whose hydrologic characteristics should trump when generating the computational grid. Void Areas and Void Points give you the flexibility to tactfully designate discrete portions of your 2D modeling area as a void space, and alternatively model it as a 1D subnetwork. For example, a detention pond or channel within a floodplain.

Note: You can also adjust the grid using Adjustment Layers.