CivilStorm 2024 Help

Adding Color-Coding

To add color coding, including element sizing:

  1. Click View > Element Symbology.
  2. In the Element Symbology Manager, right-click an element and select New > Color Coding.
  3. Or, select the element to which you want to add the color coding, click the New button, and select New Color Coding.
  4. The Color Coding Properties dialog box opens. Select the properties for which you want to color code from the Field and Selection Set drop-down lists.
  5. In the Options drop-down list, select whether you want to apply color and/or size to the elements you are coding.
  6. Click Calculate Range. This automatically sets the maximum and minimum values for your coding. If you want, you can set these values manually.
  7. Click Initialize. This automatically creates values and colors in the Color Map. If you want, you can set these values manually.
  8. After you finish defining your color coding, click OK to close the Color Coding Properties dialog box and create your color coding, or Cancel to close the dialog box without creating a color coding.
  9. Click Compute to compute your network.
  10. To see the network color coding and/or sizing change over time:
  11. Click Analysis > Time Browser, if needed, to open the Time Browser dialog box.
  12. Click Play to use the Time Browser to review your color coding over time.

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