CivilStorm 2024 Help


HAMMER is the premier software in the world for analyzing hydraulic transients, surge control devices, and water hammer effects. HAMMER models any hydraulic element, transient source or surge protection devices, including:

  • Transients for flow, head, or entrained vapor
  • Pressurized pipelines and networks
  • Ingress of contaminants into pipe networks
  • Surcharged sewers or storage tunnels
  • Pump start and shut down scenarios
  • Flow shifting via pumps or valves
  • Power or pump failure
  • Rapid valve closure
  • Catastrophic pipe or pump breaks

HAMMER can easily import steady-state model results from industry-standard models such as WaterCAD, WaterGEMS, EPANET, or EXTRAN (for line filling). Users can also build their own models using the advanced graphical interface or robust database connections.