CivilStorm 2024 Help

Irregular Weir Cross Section Dialog Box

The Irregular Weir Cross Section dialog box allows you to define the cross-sectional shape of an irregular weir in a composite outlet structure by entering X (Station) vs. Y (Depth) data.

The Irregular Weir Cross Section dialog box is accessible only from within the Composite Outlet Structures dialog box when a weir component is selected in the list pane. For the selected weir, click the Cross Section button to display the Irregular Weir Cross Section dialog box.

The dialog box contains the x vs. y table along with the following controls:

New This button creates a new row in the x-y table.
Delete This button deletes the currently highlighted row from the x-y table.

The table contains the following columns:

Column Description
X This field allows you to define the cross-sectional distance at the current point.
Y This field allows you to define the depth (0 at the weir crest) for the current point.