CivilStorm 2024 Help

Active Topology Queries - Common Behaviors

Some behaviors are common to both approaches for applying active topology queries. Those behaviors are listed below.
  1. Changes made to your model by clicking on Apply Queries can be undone using the standard undo/redo support.
  2. When using Query Based Active Topology mode, changes to Is Active? status (as a result of applying queries) will not be added to the Change Tracking log.
  3. Active Topology queries and associated settings are stored with the Active Topology Alternative.
  4. When in Query Based active topology mode, the Is Active? property for modeling elements will be shown as read-only (it is only editable when using Selection Based mode).
  5. Query based active topology is applied on a scenario change if this option is enabled for the model. You can also apply the queries at any time by choosing Apply Queries. For instance, if you change a query, or if you edit values the query is based on (e.g. if you change the Year Retired for some elements).
  6. Query based active topology is applied before the model is computed if this option is enabled for the model. Model computation is on a WYSIWYG basis.