CivilStorm 2024 Help

MicroStation Mode Graphical Layout

In the MicroStation environment, our products provide a set of extended options and functionality beyond those available in stand-alone environment. This additional functionality provides enhanced control over general application settings and options and extends the command set, giving you control over the display of model elements within MicroStation.

It is important to be aware that there are two lists of menu items when running CivilStorm 2024 in MicroStation:

  1. MicroStation menu (File Edit Element Settings ...) which contains MicroStation commands. The MicroStation menu contains commands which affect the drawing.
  2. CivilStorm 2024 menu (Hydraulic Model Edit Analysis ...) which contains CivilStorm 2024 commands. The CivilStorm 2024 menu contains commands which affect the hydraulic analysis.

It is important to be aware of which menu you are using.

Key differences between MicroStation and stand-alone environment include:

  • Full element symbol editing functionality is available through the use of custom cells. All elements and graphical decorations (flow arrows, control indicators, etc.) are contained within a CivilStorm 2024.cel file.To do this open the .cel file that's in the WTRG install directory in MSTN (at the first, Open dialog), and then using the File>models you can select each of the WTRG symbols and change them using normal MSTN commands. Then when you create a new dgn and start laying out the WTRG elements, the new symbols will be used.
  • The more powerful Selection tools are in the MicroStation select menu.
  • Element symbols like junction are circles that are not filled. The user must pick the edge of the circle, not inside the circle to pick a junction.
  • The MicroStation background color is found in Workspace>Preferences>View Options. It can also be changed in Settings>Color Tab.
  • Zooming and panning are controlled by the MicroStation zooming and panning tools.
  • Depending on how MicroStation was set up, a single right click will simply clear the last command, while holding down the right mouse button will bring up the context sensitive menu. There are commands in that menu (e.g. rotate) that are not available in CivilStorm 2024 stand alone.

You can control the appearance and destination of all model elements using the Element Levels command under the View menu. For example, you can assign a specific level for all outlets, as well as assign the label and annotation text style to be applied. Element attributes are either defined by the MicroStation Level Manager, using by-level in the attributes toolbox, or by the active attributes. You can change the element attributes using the change element attributes tool, located in the change attributes toolbox, located on the MicroStation Main menu.

CivilStorm 2024 toolbars are turned off by default when you start. They are found under View>Toolbars and they can be turned on. By default they will be floating toolbars but they can be docked wherever the user chooses.

Note: Any MicroStation tool that deletes the target element (such as Trim and IntelliTrim) will also remove the connection of that element to CivilStorm 2024. After the CivilStorm 2024 connection is removed, the element is no longer a valid wtg link element and will not show properties on the property grid. The element does not have properties because it is not part of the WTRG model. It's as if the user just used MSTN tools to layout a rectangle in a WTRG dgn. It's just a dgn drawing element but has nothing to do with the water model.

There is now a Ribbon interface in MicroStation Mode. For more information, see CivilStorm in MicroStation Mode.