CivilStorm 2024 Help

Australian Rainfall and Runoff Method (2019)

The Australian Rainfall and Runoff (2019) data can only be entered by importing a custom CSV file downloaded from the Australian Government Bureau of Meteorology.

After entering the requested data and accepting the terms, use the Download as CSV link above the map preview.

If you leave the unit set to depth (mm), the data will automatically be converted to intensity when imported. It is recommended that you switch the unit to intensity to avoid any conversion issues.

Once you have a CSV file available, create a new Australian Rainfall and Runoff (2019) storm group. You are immediately prompted to select the file. The data is then read and displayed read-only in the table. When the data is imported, a matrix is created based on the information found at:

. This preserves the data in the original CSV file for easy understanding of the data. The column headers will display the ARI with the original mapping in parentheses. For example, the original column header of "63.2%" that is included in IDF Design Rainfall Depth (mm) data is displayed in the column header as "1ARI (63.2% AEP)". For additional information, review the link provided above.

The import process looks for certain information in the CSV file to verify it is valid. This information includes the first line which is the copyright line.

Copyright Commonwealth of Australia (2019) Bureau of Meteorology (ABN 92 637 533 532)

In addition, the 3rd line of the file is used to determine the format and how to parse the data into IDF curves. This line can be one of the following six:

  • IFD Design Rainfall Depth (mm)
  • IFD Design Rainfall Intensity (mm/h)
  • Very Frequent Design Rainfall Depth (mm)
  • Very Frequent Design Rainfall Intensity (mm/h)
  • Rare Design Rainfall Depth (mm)
  • Rare Design Rainfall Intensity (mm/h)

The following 5 lines are used as notes. See the Notes section below for additional information.

If any of these lines are modified then the file is considered invalid.

The Australian Rainfall and Runoff (2019) CSV file is incompatible with the User Defined IDF Table import function.


After successfully importing data from a CSV file, the notes are set to the summary information found in the file. This includes the requested and actual coordinates and the data type that was imported.


IFD Design Rainfall Depth (mm)

Issued:,02 February 2018


Label:,Rundle Mall

Requested coordinate:,Latitude,-34.907099,Longitude,138.5915

Nearest grid cell:,Latitude,34.9125(S),Longitude,138.5875(E)

The purpose is to provide a historical record and provenance of the data. It is recommended that you do not change this information.

Library Tab

This tab displays information about the storm data definition that is currently highlighted in the list pane. If the storm data definition is derived from an engineering library, the synchronization details can be found here. If the storm data definition was created manually for this model, the synchronization details will display the message Orphan (local), indicating that the storm data definition was not derived from a library entry.