CivilStorm 2024 Help

Format Tab

Use the Format tab to set up how the selected series appears. The Format tab contains the following controls:

Border Lets you format the graph of the selected series. The Border Editor opens, see "Border Editor Dialog Box" .
Color Lets you set a color for the graph of the selected series. The Color Editor opens, see "Color Editor Dialog Box" .
Pattern Lets you set a pattern for the graph of the selected series. This might only be visible on a three-dimensional graph (see "3D Tab" ). The Hatch Brush Editor opens, see "Hatch Brush Editor Dialog Box" .
Dark 3D Lets you automatically darken the depth dimension for visual effect.
Color Each Assigns a different color to each series indicator.
Clickable This is unused by CivilStorm .
Color Each line Lets you enable or disable the coloring of connecting lines in a series. This is unused by CivilStorm .
Height 3D Lets you set a thickness for the three-dimensional effect in three-dimensional graphs.
Stack Lets you control how multiple series display in the Graph dialog box. None —Draws the series one behind the other. Overlap —Arranges multiple series with the same origin using the same space on the graph such that they might overlap several times. Stack —Lets you arrange multiple series so that they are additive. Stack 100% —Lets you review the area under the graph curves.
Transparency Lets you set transparency for your series, where 100 is completely transparent and 0 is completely opaque.
Stairs Lets you display a step effect between points on your graph.
Inverted Inverts the direction of the stairs effect
Outline Displays an outline around the selected series. The Border Editor opens.